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A Month of PowerShell – Day 19 (Databases: Scalar Functions)


Welcome to Day 19 of my “A Month of PowerShell” series. This series will use the series landing page on this blog at Please refer to this page to see all of the posts in this series, and to quickly go to them.

Continuing the mini-series of objects compiled with T-SQL code, today we’re going to deal with user defined functions.

Creating a Scalar Function

Prior to SQL 2008, if you wanted just the date for today, you’d have to do some date manipulation to truncate off the time portion of a datetime value. Let’s make that into a scalar function that can be called as needed.

#Assign variables
$Instance   = "localhost\SQL2012"
$DBName     = "PoSh"
$SchemaName = "Common"
$ObjectName = "fGetDateOnly"
#Assign the SMO class to a variable
$SMO        = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo"
# get the server
$Server = New-Object ("$SMO.Server") "$Instance"
# assign the database name to a variable
$MyDB = $Server.Databases[$DBName]
# assign the schema to a variable
$Schema = $MyDB.Schemas[$SchemaName]
# assign the function to a variable if it exists
$Object = $MyDB.UserDefinedFunctions.Item($ObjectName, $SchemaName)
IF (!($Object)) #Check to see if the function exists
    # it doesn't exist, so create it
    $Object = New-Object ("$SMO.UserDefinedFunction") ($MyDB, $ObjectName, $SchemaName)
    $Object.TextMode = $false
    # specify that this is a scalar function
    $Object.FunctionType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.UserDefinedFunctionType]::Scalar
    $Object.Datatype = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.DataType]::DateTime
    $Object.TextBody = @'
    RETURN DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '1900-01-01T00:00:00', GETDATE()), '1900-01-01T00:00:00');

Altering Scalar Functions

After working with this function for a bit, you realize that you could use the same functionality for any date. You decide to modify this function to accept a parameter, and the code so that it uses the current date if a null is passed in to the parameter.

#Assign variables
$Instance   = "localhost\SQL2012"
$DBName     = "PoSh"
$SchemaName = "Common"
$ObjectName = "fGetDateOnly"
#Assign the SMO class to a variable
$SMO        = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo"
# get the server
$Server = New-Object ("$SMO.Server") "$Instance"
# assign the database name to a variable
$MyDB = $Server.Databases[$DBName]
# assign the schema to a variable
$Schema = $MyDB.Schemas[$SchemaName]
# assign the function to a variable if it exists
$Object = $MyDB.UserDefinedFunctions.Item($ObjectName, $SchemaName)
IF (($Object)) #Check to see if the function exists
    # it exists, so modify it
    $Object.TextMode = $true
    $Object.TextHeader = "CREATE FUNCTION [$SchemaName].[$ObjectName]
    (@Date DATETIME)
    $Object.TextBody = @'
    RETURN DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '1900-01-01T00:00:00', ISNULL(@Date, GETDATE())), '1900-01-01T00:00:00');

This example does not consider changes to the Parameters collection if you rename, add or drop parameters for the function.

Dropping a scalar function

To drop the scalar function, just call the function’s drop method.

#Assign variables
$Instance   = "localhost\SQL2012"
$DBName     = "PoSh"
$SchemaName = "Common"
$ObjectName = "fGetDateOnly"
#Assign the SMO class to a variable
$SMO        = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo"
# get the server
$Server = New-Object ("$SMO.Server") "$Instance"
# assign the database name to a variable
$MyDB = $Server.Databases[$DBName]
# assign the schema to a variable
$Schema = $MyDB.Schemas[$SchemaName]
# assign the function to a variable if it exists
$Object = $MyDB.UserDefinedFunctions.Item($ObjectName, $SchemaName)
IF (($Object)) #Check to see if the function exists
    # it exists, so drop it



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