Application hang after in-place upgrade

  • Good afternoon SQL guru community 🙂

    I have a question for you all, hoping for any ideas as I am fresh out.

    I did an in-place upgrade my production box about a month ago. About that same time, the Web application server that connects to the SQL box started having issues with memory. If you recycle IIS the memory starts out at a 2GB consumption, then it starts climbing from there.

    I don't understand why there would be any correlation to the database upgrade but this started the very same day.

    As a side note, the database server is log shipping two databases to warm standby, and the server has a DNS alias that was switched to the standby, and then back again, after the upgrade.

    Thanks in advance for your ideas.

  • Did you upgrade the sql client software on the web server?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • I didn't install a new driver, I thought of that but realized that the .NET connection string from the web app server is version specific...

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