June 24, 2014 at 3:47 pm
I have a family table and would like to group all related members under the same familyID. This is a replication of existing business data, 14,000 rows. The familyID can be randomly assigned to any group, its sole purpose is to group the names:
declare @TV table (member varchar(255), relatedTo varchar(255))
insert into @TV
select 'John', 'Mary'union all
select 'Mary', 'Jessica' union all
select 'Peter', 'Albert' union all
select 'Peter', 'Nancy' union all
select 'Abby', null union all
select 'Jessica', 'Fred' union all
select 'Joe', 'Frank'
I would like my result to look like this:
familyID Name
1 John
1 Mary
1 Jessica
1 Fred
2 Peter
2 Albert
2 Nancy
3 Abby
4 Joe
4 Frank
Thanks a lot!!
June 25, 2014 at 7:52 am
The trick here is where to start so I used the logic where members are not related to someone (relatedTo is null) or they are related to someone but the member is not on the relatedTo side (John, Peter, Abby, Joe) and consider them head of the family. The rest is to traverse the hierarchy and rank them based on the hof.
with Tree as (
select distinct
A.member as hof, A.member, A.member as relatedTo
@TV as A
A.relatedTo is null
or exists (
select *
from @TV as B
where B.member = A.member and B.relatedTo is not null
and not exists (
select *
from @TV as B
where B.relatedTo = A.member
union all
Tree as P
inner join
@TV as C
on P.relatedTo = C.member
and C.relatedTo is not null
DENSE_RANK() over (order by hof) as rnk,
order by
case when relatedTo = hof then 1 else 2 end,
That is the closer I got.
June 26, 2014 at 9:52 am
One more note, my data is not normalized. I discovered the scenario below which causes and endless recursion. I can clean it up but just thought I would mention it.
declare @TV table (member varchar(255), relatedTo varchar(255))
insert into @TV
select 'John', 'Mary'union all
select 'Mary', 'Jessica' union all
select 'Jessica', 'Mary'
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