TDE on Mirrorring database....

  • Hi

    Does anyone know the best steps to enable TDE without breaking mirroring. the database is mirrored now but need to enable TDE on principle and mirror database.


  • Never applied TDE to a mirror, cant see why this won't work though

    You'll need to create a database master key on each instance if one doesn't already exist.

    Once this is done you can create a certificate in the master database on the principal.

    After you create the cert immediately take a backup and then restore it to the mirror instance.

    Next, create a DEK key in the principal database on the principal instance.

    Finally, alter the database and turn encryption on

    However, I would be tempted to break the mirror first, setup TDE and then re mirror. You may check the encryption state using

    select DB_NAME(database_id), encryption_state, percent_complete

    from sys.dm_database_encryption_keys


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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