Getting value from XML/Node out of SQL table

  • Hello all. I have a table which has a field with a data type of Xml. A sample record might contain something like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>


    <Product Index="14c9643f-63d9-40c5" ProductID="13" Name="............>

    <Attribute Name="Paper" OptCatId="1" Value="72" ....../>

    <Attribute Name="Ink" OptCatId="2" Value="6" ......../>

    <Attribute Name="Bleed" OptCatId="3" Value="15" ......./>

    <Attribute Name="Number of Drops" OptCatId="0" Value="1" ...../>

    I need to grab the Node/Attribute with the name of "Number of Drops" and get the value of "Value". So in this case, I simply want to get "1".

    How could I do this?

    SELECT "value of Number of Drops"

    FROM myTable

    WHERE ID = ....


  • Take a look at the XML forum, the answer is there.

    BTW, it is more work to create a sample data than actually write the answer.


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