New Extract

  • I've got a report that shows the following data and I need to add a new column based on certain criteria.

    The original extract is like this







    The new extract requires an additional column, based on what already appears. I need to be able to get a count of the 'Txn Set' column, and where the count is 2 then populate the new column with the contents of the 'Account' details for the other record. If the count is greater than 2 then populate the new column with the text '1 to many' as in the example below.




    DIV-2341234216018701 to Many

    98761235216018701 to Many

    56781236216018701 to Many

    I hope what I've typed is clear enough, if not then let me know

  • Something like this?

    SELECT a.Account, a.[Acct Ref], a.[Txn Set], a.[Txn Ref],

    CASE WHEN COUNT(*) = 1 THEN MAX(b.[Account]) ELSE '1 to Many' END AS [Alt Acct]

    FROM myTable a

    LEFT OUTER JOIN myTable b ON b.[Txn Set] = a.[Txn Set]

    AND b.Account <> a.Account

    GROUP BY a.Account, a.[Acct Ref], a.[Txn Set], a.[Txn Ref]


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • I'll give it a go. Many thanks for the quick response

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