SQL help needed

  • what I need is a list of members who were enrolled continously for the last 9 months.

    For each they are enrolled in a plan there will be a row in the table.

    What I want is those members who have had continuous coverage for the

    last 9 months.

    ( Now, I purposely hard coded some values just so you get the idea what I am looking for.. But what I need is the query to have a dynamic expression so that I can feed in any mmyy and it will pull the results )

    Declare @monthyear as varchar(4) --mmyy

    @monthyear = '052016'

    Select distinct MemberNbr




    PlanCode IN ( 'MMP','MCR' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '042016' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '032016' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '022016' )

    AND ....

  • Sorry, please used the SQL below,

    The effectivemonth is in the format YYYYMM

    So please use this syntax

    Declare @monthyear as varchar(4) --yyyymm

    @monthyear = '201605'

    Select distinct MemberNbr




    PlanCode IN ( 'MMP','MCR' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201604' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201603' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201602' )



  • mw112009 (4/25/2016)

    Sorry, please used the SQL below,

    The effectivemonth is in the format YYYYMM

    So please use this syntax

    Declare @monthyear as varchar(4) --yyyymm

    @monthyear = '201605'

    Select distinct MemberNbr




    PlanCode IN ( 'MMP','MCR' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201604' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201603' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201602' )



    Really not enough to give you a good answer. It would help if you provided the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the table involved, some sample (not production) data that models the problem domain, and the expected results (best provided as a separate table).

    For help with this please read the first article I reference in my signature block regarding asking for help.

  • I was going to suggest using a tally table to create one row for each possible month. But that was only because the format MMYYYY doesn't work with ranges. When using YYYYMM a range can work perfectly.

    I'm including both solutions.

    Declare @monthyear as char(6); --yyyymm

    SET @monthyear = '201605';

    Select distinct MemberNbr

    FROM MHPDW.edw.[MEMBER].[MemberMonthHistory]

    WHERE PlanCode IN ( 'MMP','MCR' )

    AND EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( SELECT CONVERT( char(6), DATEADD(MM, -n, @monthyear + '01'), 112)

    FROM (VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9))E(n)


    Select distinct MemberNbr

    FROM MHPDW.edw.[MEMBER].[MemberMonthHistory]

    WHERE PlanCode IN ( 'MMP','MCR' )

    AND EFFECTIVEMONTH < @monthyear

    AND EFFECTIVEMONTH >= CONVERT( char(6), DATEADD(MM, -9, @monthyear + '01'), 112);

    One thing to note on your original post is that when using

    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201604' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201603' )


    EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201602' )


    You're giving conditions that define different values for the same column. That won't ever be true. For something like that you should use EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( '201604' , '201603' , '201602' ). That's what the IN operator is for.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • See data attached...

    Member 00028414401 has been enrolled since 201301 onwards.

    For each month he/she gets a row in the table.

    I think this is a simple question but I need the SQl skills from you.

    Here is a another way to ask the question.

    How can I write a query to validate that member 00028414401 has atleast

    12 rows in the table and each row will cover a month for the year 2013.

    So that means there are 12 rows ( at least ) and they represent 201301, 201302,


    How about that ? Did I explain what I need ?

  • Luis C: Thanks

    That original query that I wrote is just for explaining what I was looking for.. Did not

    bother to include perfect syntax.

    Let me try your solution. Thanks again.

  • Luis C:

    Your solution is close but not perfect.

    Select distinct MemberNbr

    FROM MHPDW.edw.[MEMBER].[MemberMonthHistory]

    WHERE PlanCode IN ( 'MMP','MCR' )

    AND EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( SELECT CONVERT( char(6), DATEADD(MM, -n, @monthyear + '01'), 112)

    FROM (VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9))E(n)


    This picks the past nine months perfectly and only lists members who had membership in atleast one or more of the 9 months.

    What I really need is a list of members who had membership in all 9 months.

    So that means a member will have 9 rows in the table for the past 9 months.

    I only want the members who have the 9 rows and those must represent the past 9 months. ( The objective here is o see who had continous coverage for all 9 months )


  • mw112009 (4/25/2016)

    Luis C:

    Your solution is close but not perfect.

    Select distinct MemberNbr

    FROM MHPDW.edw.[MEMBER].[MemberMonthHistory]

    WHERE PlanCode IN ( 'MMP','MCR' )

    AND EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( SELECT CONVERT( char(6), DATEADD(MM, -n, @monthyear + '01'), 112)

    FROM (VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9))E(n)


    This picks the past nine months perfectly and only lists members who had membership in atleast one or more of the 9 months.

    What I really need is a list of members who had membership in all 9 months.

    So that means a member will have 9 rows in the table for the past 9 months.

    I only want the members who have the 9 rows and those must represent the past 9 months. ( The objective here is o see who had continous coverage for all 9 months )



    Can you provide DDL and sample data?

    I'm not creating data to test if I'm giving the right solution. No, an image doesn't work. Read the articles in my signature if you need help posting what we're asking.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • something like this? Sorry, but with nothing to really work with or test against, this is best I could come up.

    declare @WorkingDate varchar(6) = '201605';

    with Prev9 as (


    convert(varchar(6), dateadd(month,-(n),TestDate), 112) TestDate


    (values (cast(@WorkingDate + '01' as date)))dt(TestDate)

    cross apply (select n from (values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9))dt(n))dt1(n)

    ), basedata as (


    rn = count(EffectiveMonth) over (partition by MemberNbr),



    MHPDW.edw.member.MemberMonthHistory mmh

    inner join Prev9 p9

    on (mmh.EffectiveMonth = p9.TestDate)


    select distinct



    basedata bd


    bd.rn = 9;


  • Luis C:

    Here you go ( See attached )

    The attached DDL will create a table and has INSERT statements to cover member data for 2 members. That should be sufficient.

    Hope this helps.

  • Based on your sample data, this should work for you.

    Select MemberNbr

    FROM #MemberMonthHistory


    AND EFFECTIVEMONTH >= CONVERT( char(6), DATEADD(MM, -9, @monthyear + '01'), 112)

    GROUP BY MemberNbr


    If you can be sure that MemberNbr and EFFECTIVEMONTH create a unique key (and it's enforced), you can remove the DISTINCT.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis C and others:

    Thanks but I found my solution.....( see below )

    Thanks again for the SQL help.

    Declare @monthyear as char(6); --yyyymm

    SET @monthyear = '201605';

    Select MemberNbr, count(*) as CNT



    Select distinct MemberNbr, EFFECTIVEMONTH

    FROM MHPDW.edw.[MEMBER].[MemberMonthHistory]

    WHERE PlanCode IN ( 'MMP','MCR' )

    AND EFFECTIVEMONTH in ( SELECT CONVERT( char(6), DATEADD(MM, -n, @monthyear + '01'), 112)

    FROM (VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9))E(n)



    GROUP BY MemberNbr HAVING COUNT(*) = 9

  • Check the remark on my previous post. It can bring inaccurate results if you use your query.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I see your point,

    So if a member had 9 records and then 2 of them were fro one particular month, then yes it would be inaccurate...

    Thanks I will check to make sure that there is the uniqueness you mentioned.

    Good catch

  • mw112009 (4/25/2016)

    Luis C:

    Here you go ( See attached )

    The attached DDL will create a table and has INSERT statements to cover member data for 2 members. That should be sufficient.

    Hope this helps.

    A couple of comments regarding your sample data.

    You didn't include any data for an individual or set of individuals that would not meet the criteria to be returned by your query. Only providing data that will be returned is not sufficient for really testing potential solutions. As Luis also pointed out, what about entries for individuals where the EffectiveDate is duplicated.

    Also, you didn't include the plan code in your sample data (and I forgot to check it in my suggested query earlier).

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