combine views

  • Hi, I have two views: ytd and ytdper

    I'd like to combine the two views into one but I'm not sure how to do it. The difference between the two views is the val calculation is based on a different glpernum where clause as in "SELECT (glpernum-100) / 100 * 100" for ytd and "SELECT glpernum / 100 * 100" for ytdper

    ytd view code:

    WITH MyCTE AS (SELECT TOP (1) nomcode AS Retained

    FROM dbo.ctlfil

    WHERE (recid = 24)

    ORDER BY Retained)

    SELECT dbo.nomfil.nomcode, ISNULL(calc.val, 0) AS ytd, calc.costcentre

    FROM dbo.nomfil LEFT OUTER JOIN

    (SELECT CASE WHEN nomfil_1.type IN (3, 4) THEN nomtrn.nomcode ELSE MyCTE_2.Retained END AS nomcode,

    SUM(dbo.nomtrn.val * (1 - 2 * dbo.nomtrn.crddbt)) AS val, dbo.nomtrn.costcentre

    FROM dbo.nomtrn INNER JOIN

    dbo.nomfil AS nomfil_1 ON dbo.nomtrn.nomcode = nomfil_1.nomcode CROSS JOIN

    MyCTE AS MyCTE_2

    WHERE (dbo.nomtrn.period <

    (SELECT (glpernum - 100) / 100 * 100 AS Expr1

    FROM dbo.perfil))

    GROUP BY CASE WHEN nomfil_1.type IN (3, 4) THEN nomtrn.nomcode ELSE MyCTE_2.Retained END, dbo.nomtrn.costcentre) AS calc ON

    calc.nomcode = dbo.nomfil.nomcode

    ytdper code:

    WITH MyCTE AS (SELECT TOP (1) nomcode AS Retained

    FROM dbo.ctlfil

    WHERE (recid = 24)

    ORDER BY Retained)

    SELECT dbo.nomfil.nomcode, ISNULL(calc.val, 0) AS ytdper, calc.costcentre

    FROM dbo.nomfil LEFT OUTER JOIN

    (SELECT CASE WHEN nomfil_1.type IN (3, 4) THEN nomtrn.nomcode ELSE MyCTE_1.Retained END AS nomcode,

    SUM(dbo.nomtrn.val * (1 - 2 * dbo.nomtrn.crddbt)) AS val, dbo.nomtrn.costcentre

    FROM dbo.nomtrn INNER JOIN

    dbo.nomfil AS nomfil_1 ON dbo.nomtrn.nomcode = nomfil_1.nomcode CROSS JOIN

    MyCTE AS MyCTE_1

    WHERE (dbo.nomtrn.period <

    (SELECT glpernum / 100 * 100 AS Expr1

    FROM dbo.perfil))

    GROUP BY CASE WHEN nomfil_1.type IN (3, 4) THEN nomtrn.nomcode ELSE MyCTE_1.Retained END, dbo.nomtrn.costcentre) AS calc ON

    calc.nomcode = dbo.nomfil.nomcode

  • Posting scripts for table structure and script for some sample data will get a better response.

    In general, it sounds like if you have a where statement that grabs YTD info, then 2 case statements, one that sums YTD, one for current Month, each as a column, that is what you are looking for.

  • Just a side note - I come from an SSAS cube background.

    So these end up as dimensions.

    Simplifies doing this quite a bit.

    Especially when you combine with other dimensions, as you can see many intersections very quickly and easily, and at many levels.

    Company, Department, Work Center.

    Yesterday, MTD, YTD, Prior YTD, ect.

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