Extra Availability Group or Extra Instance

  • Hello,

    We have three servers in an Always On AV Group environment, and we want to use two servers for the daily database-work in our company. Off course there will be a penalty when one of the machines is offline, but that's ok with us.

    There are two scenario's:

    1. Create an extra Availability Group which will have its primary role on the second server normally.

    2. Create another instance on all three servers with its own Availability Group.

    Has anyone considered these options before and does anyone have any recommendations as to what option to choose?

    I can imagine there are flexibility considerations, performance considerations, but I can't oversee all implications of it.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Fred Koene

  • if you have one node down for maintenance you dont need to do anything


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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