Good Basic T-SQL Exercises

  • I'm looking for a number of problems that I can ask people to solve in T-SQL to try and drive some learning. I'm wondering what problems people would recommend. I'm thinking to make T-SQL as of SQL Server 2012 as a base version.

    I think about things along the lines of

    1. Find duplicates rows, given a PK in the table.

    2. Find sums of sales for a customer, with positive and negative amounts

    3. Match up events for scheduling data, such as in and out times for a car in a lot.

    If you can provide 2-10 rows of setup data and results with a description, I'd appreciate it.

  • Hi

    I want to return two character from a column. But now the column itself returns 0 -9, then double digits. before I concatenated "0", then the problem I had was when I get 13, plus my "0" I would get 013. how do I return just two characters?

  • Heres a good real life example I came across.

    This takes annual Yield curves and then calculates a Cumulative End of Month position.

    The data values provided are at End of year, so Year 1 Month 12 = 1.89, it is assumed that Year 0 Month 12 is 0, such that the Year 1 Month 1 is calculated as being 0 + 1/12 of the difference between Y1 and the previous year, and so on.

    Sample data



    YearNumber SMALLINT

    ,DataHeader char(4)

    ,Percentage DECIMAL(9,2)


    INSERT INTO @Curves












    The expected output is
















    One solutions is



    , MonthNumber

    , DataHeader

    , Percentage

    , LAG(Percentage, 12, 0) OVER (ORDER BY YearNUMBER) PreviousYearPercent

    , LAG(Percentage, 12, 0) OVER (ORDER BY YearNUMBER) + (Percentage-(LAG(Percentage, 12, 0) OVER (ORDER BY YearNUMBER)) ) * ((m.MonthNumber) % 13) /12.0 MonthlyCurve

    FROM @Curves




    FROM sys.objects

    ) M

    The code teaches the use of windowing functions and especially the Lag, though could easily be changed to use Lead.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • I thought more people would jump on this. :Whistling:

    Anyhow I took a few minutes to throw some stuff together for you. Perhaps this will be helpful.

    USE tempdb



    (1) Create Sample Data

    100 rows, 5 salespeopleID (1,2,3,4,5), 5 days of sales (20100101 - 20100115)


    -- Create the and populate #sales

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#sales') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #sales;

    SELECT * INTO #sales FROM (VALUES(1, '2010-01-01', 1, 249.78),(2, '2010-01-01', 2, 263.33),(4, '2010-01-01', 3, 214.81),(8, '2010-01-01', 3, 113.15),(9, '2010-01-01', 3, 357.79),(10, '2010-01-01', 3, 172.43),(3, '2010-01-01', 4, 443.78),(6, '2010-01-01', 4, 495.78),(5, '2010-01-01', 5, 472.86),(7, '2010-01-01', 5, 402.68),(12, '2010-01-02', 1, 481.43),(13, '2010-01-02', 1, 3.37),(17, '2010-01-02', 1, 379.94),(11, '2010-01-02', 3, 302.97),(14, '2010-01-02', 4, 256.72),(16, '2010-01-02', 4, 228.56),(15, '2010-01-02', 5, 315.78),(23, '2010-01-03', 2, 458.38),(21, '2010-01-03', 3, 57.30),(22, '2010-01-03', 3, 115.15),(18, '2010-01-03', 4, 54.44),(19, '2010-01-03', 4, 440.74),(20, '2010-01-03', 5, 287.39),(25, '2010-01-04', 1, 67.85),(26, '2010-01-04', 2, 200.36),(24, '2010-01-04', 4, 28.60),(27, '2010-01-04', 4, 483.84),(28, '2010-01-04', 4, 195.57),(32, '2010-01-05', 2, 3.18),(30, '2010-01-05', 3, 292.26),(29, '2010-01-05', 4, 186.73),(31, '2010-01-05', 5, 401.70),(35, '2010-01-06', 2, 131.32),(34, '2010-01-06', 3, 403.64),(33, '2010-01-06', 4, 420.73),(36, '2010-01-06', 4, 391.77),(37, '2010-01-07', 1, 488.61),(38, '2010-01-07', 1, 155.20),(39, '2010-01-07', 1, 381.21),(41, '2010-01-07', 1, 336.99),(40, '2010-01-07', 4, 435.03),(42, '2010-01-07', 5, 231.36),(49, '2010-01-08', 2, 475.14),(44, '2010-01-08', 3, 264.74),(48, '2010-01-08', 4, 259.12),(43, '2010-01-08', 5, 219.64),(45, '2010-01-08', 5, 398.55),(46, '2010-01-08', 5, 287.93),(47, '2010-01-08', 5, 194.30),(53, '2010-01-09', 2, 365.93),(56, '2010-01-09', 2, 177.95),(50, '2010-01-09', 4, 288.12),(51, '2010-01-09', 4, 161.99),(52, '2010-01-09', 4, 303.21),(54, '2010-01-09', 5, 69.83),(55, '2010-01-09', 5, 289.72),(58, '2010-01-10', 2, 416.94),(61, '2010-01-10', 2, 217.19),(63, '2010-01-10', 2, 148.39),(60, '2010-01-10', 3, 485.84),(62, '2010-01-10', 3, 418.11),(64, '2010-01-10', 3, 104.27),(57, '2010-01-10', 4, 293.33),(59, '2010-01-10', 4, 8.25),(65, '2010-01-11', 1, 272.23),(67, '2010-01-11', 2, 175.90),(66, '2010-01-11', 3, 225.69),(68, '2010-01-11', 5, 485.11),(69, '2010-01-11', 5, 385.25),(71, '2010-01-12', 1, 492.58),(72, '2010-01-12', 1, 427.46),(76, '2010-01-12', 1, 152.25),(70, '2010-01-12', 2, 76.46),(73, '2010-01-12', 3, 493.72),(74, '2010-01-12', 4, 155.74),(75, '2010-01-12', 4, 100.66),(77, '2010-01-13', 1, 198.16),(79, '2010-01-13', 2, 115.50),(85, '2010-01-13', 2, 173.18),(78, '2010-01-13', 3, 334.13),(82, '2010-01-13', 3, 184.04),(84, '2010-01-13', 3, 39.77),(86, '2010-01-13', 3, 201.02),(87, '2010-01-13', 3, 460.27),(80, '2010-01-13', 4, 474.78),(83, '2010-01-13', 4, 22.18),(81, '2010-01-13', 5, 437.23),(91, '2010-01-14', 1, 376.48),(90, '2010-01-14', 2, 257.18),(92, '2010-01-14', 2, 185.33),(94, '2010-01-14', 4, 162.56),(88, '2010-01-14', 5, 414.67),(89, '2010-01-14', 5, 117.04),(93, '2010-01-14', 5, 421.37),(97, '2010-01-15', 1, 289.55),(98, '2010-01-15', 3, 204.32),(100, '2010-01-15', 4, 26.95),(95, '2010-01-15', 5, 465.83),(96, '2010-01-15', 5, 2.74),(99, '2010-01-15', 5, 327.97)) T(SaleID, SaleDate,SalesPersonID, SaleAmount);

    -- Add Primary key and a Nonclustered index (optional)

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX pk_sales_SaleID ON #sales(SaleID);

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX nc_sales_SaleDate ON #sales(SaleDate, SalesPersonID) INCLUDE (SaleAmount);

    -- Output: SELECT * FROM #sales ORDER BY SaleDate;


    (2) Questions with answers (Basic)


    -- 1. What is the Average Sales per day?

    SELECT SaleDate, AvgSales = AVG(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    GROUP BY SaleDate

    ORDER BY SaleDate -- not needed, for presentation only

    -- 2. For SalesPersonID 4 only, what day did they have the highest sales?

    SELECT TOP (1) SalesPersonID, SaleDate

    FROM #sales

    WHERE SalesPersonID = 4

    GROUP BY SalesPersonID, SaleDate

    ORDER BY SUM(SaleAmount) DESC

    -- 3. For SalesPersonID 4 only, What was the most sales they had in a single day?

    SELECT TOP (1) MostSales = COUNT(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    WHERE SalesPersonID = 4

    GROUP BY SalesPersonID, SaleDate

    ORDER BY COUNT(SaleAmount) DESC;

    -- 4. What day had the highest sales? What was the amount?

    SELECT TOP (1) SaleDate, MaxSales = MAX(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    GROUP BY SaleDate

    ORDER BY MAX(SaleAmount) DESC;

    -- 5. For all employees, who had the most sales in one day? What date? Make sure to inlcude ties

    SELECT TOP (1) WITH TIES SaleDate, SalesPersonID, Sales = COUNT(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    GROUP BY SaleDate, SalesPersonID

    ORDER BY COUNT(SaleAmount) DESC; -- not needed, for presentation only

    -- Note the WITH TIES...

    -- 6. For all employees, get me their total daily sales count and sales amount for that day




    TotalSalesForMonth = COUNT(SaleAmount),

    SalesAmtForMonth = SUM(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    GROUP BY SaleDate, SalesPersonID

    ORDER BY SaleDate, SalesPersonID -- not needed, for presentation only


    (3) Questions with answers (medium difficulty)


    -- 7. For each employee, get me the Total Sales Per day and how much higher or lower

    -- that amount is compared to the average sales for the day.





    OverUnderAvg = DailySPTotal - DailyAvg






    DailySPTotal = SUM(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales s

    GROUP BY s.SaleDate, SalesPersonID

    ) DailySP CROSS JOIN



    SaleDay = SaleDate,

    DailyAvg = AVG(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    GROUP BY SaleDate

    ) DailyAvg

    WHERE SaleDay = SaleDate;

    -- 8. For each day, who had the highests sales total for the day


    -- Solution #1

    SELECT SaleDate, SalesPersonID, SaleAmount






    HighestDailySales = RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY SaleDate ORDER BY SaleAmount DESC),


    FROM #sales

    ) highestSalesPerDay

    WHERE HighestDailySales = 1;

    -- Solution #2 (better)

    SELECT s.SaleDate, s.SalesPersonID, mx

    FROM #sales s



    SELECT SaleDate, mx = MAX(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    GROUP BY SaleDate

    ) x

    ON = s.SaleAmount AND s.SaleDate = x.SaleDate AND s.SaleDate = x.SaleDate;


    (4) Questions with answers (medium+ difficulty)


    -- 9. Who had the most sales. Get the answer without using TOP

    WITH SalesBySP AS


    SELECT SalesPersonID, SalesSum = SUM(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    GROUP BY SalesPersonID


    MaxSales AS


    SELECT MaxSales = MAX(SalesSum)

    FROM SalesBySP


    SELECT SalesPersonID, SalesSum

    FROM SalesBySp

    CROSS JOIN MaxSales

    WHERE SalesSum = MaxSales;

    -- 10. For all employees and all days, get me sales amount per month

    -- INCLUDING people without any sales on a particular day

    -- (for them SalesAmtForMonth should be 0.00)


    -- Solution #1




    SalesAmtForMonth = ISNULL(SalesAmtForMonth,0)



    SELECT DISTINCT sd.SaleDate, sp.SalesPersonID

    FROM #sales sd



    SELECT SalesPersonID

    FROM #sales

    ) sp

    ) spsd



    SELECT SaleDate, SalesPersonID, SalesAmtForMonth = SUM(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    GROUP BY SaleDate, SalesPersonID

    ) sm ON spsd.SaleDate = sm.SaleDate AND spsd.SalesPersonID = sm.SalesPersonID;

    -- Solution #2 (perhaps better)

    WITH iTally(N) AS



    FROM (VALUES (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) t(N)


    EveryoneByDate(sd,spN) AS


    SELECT CAST(DATEADD(D,sd.N-1,'1/1/2010') AS date), sp.N

    FROM iTally sp CROSS JOIN iTally sd

    WHERE sd.N <= 16 AND sp.N < 6


    SumSalesByMonth AS


    SELECT SaleDate, SalesPersonID, SalesAmtForMonth = SUM(SaleAmount)

    FROM #sales

    GROUP BY SaleDate, SalesPersonID



    SalesDate = sd,

    SalesPersonID = spN,

    SalesAmtForMonth = ISNULL(SalesAmtForMonth,0)

    FROM EveryoneByDate E

    LEFT JOIN SumSalesByMonth S ON = S.SaleDate AND E.spN = S.SalesPersonID

    ORDER BY sd, spN; -- not needed, presenation only.



    (5) High I generated the sample data


    -- CREATE THE SAMPLE DATA (Note there are 5 employees total 1 through 5)

    SELECT X =

    'IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb..#sales'') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #sales;'+CHAR(13)+

    'SELECT * INTO #sales FROM (VALUES'+






    CONCAT('(',SaleID,', '),

    CONCAT('''',SaleDate,''', '),

    CONCAT('',SalesPersonID,', '),



    FROM #sales


    ).value('.', 'varchar(8000)'),1,1,'')+

    ') T(SaleID, SaleDate,SalesPersonID, SaleAmount);'

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (11/12/2015)

    I'm looking for a number of problems that I can ask people to solve in T-SQL to try and drive some learning. I'm wondering what problems people would recommend. I'm thinking to make T-SQL as of SQL Server 2012 as a base version.

    I think about things along the lines of

    1. Find duplicates rows, given a PK in the table.

    2. Find sums of sales for a customer, with positive and negative amounts

    3. Match up events for scheduling data, such as in and out times for a car in a lot.

    If you can provide 2-10 rows of setup data and results with a description, I'd appreciate it.

    On #1... is that a trick question? If you have a PK, you shouldn't have duplicates, right? Can you provide more details on that particular problem, please?

    As to other problems, perhaps a couple of the following will do. Teaching how to actually loop (without RBAR, of course) and how to count are things done taught in all other languages right after the classic "Hello World" demo but not in programming courses for T-SQL. As you're seen on these forums over the years, a huge number of seemingly impossible problems have been solved through the use of "Pseudo-Cursors", Tally Tables and their inline kin (including ROW_NUMBER()), and some simple mathematics.

    JBM1. Count from 1 to a million without using any form of RBAR, which means no rCTEs, no Cursors, no While Loops, etc. The purpose of this is a primer to introduce the concept of "Pseudo-Cursors", which is nothing more than SQL Server looping at the machine language level behind the scenes. It also teaches the concept of thinking in columns rather than rows. Obviously, no test data is required for this problem because it's also the basis for making test data.

    JBM2. In preparation for JBM3 below, make a million row test table with per/minute dates and times along with a random machine state of 1 for "on" and 0 for "off". Again... no test data required here because you're building it. This will introduce the concept that RAND() isn't and that NEWID() is actually a random number that can be used as a seed for integers and for RAND(). Ironically, RAND() requires a random seed to produce multiple random values for any given multi-row set. It will also introduce the very important usage of MODULO and could segue into some of the highly valuable integer math concepts.

    JBM3. The mate of your problem #3 would be the traditional "find the state change" problem where you have a machine that reports once per minute and you need to find things like...

    1. The longest and shortest durations of a machine being on or off and what the dates/times and durations of those events where.

    2. The average up time period and the average down time period.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • hoseam (11/13/2015)


    I want to return two character from a column. But now the column itself returns 0 -9, then double digits. before I concatenated "0", then the problem I had was when I get 13, plus my "0" I would get 013. how do I return just two characters?

    You've happened across a totally different thread. I recommend that you start a new topic all your own. You'll get a lot more people looking at it that way.

    I also strong urge you to read the first link in my signature line below under "Helpful Links" so that you stand the best chance of getting your question answered.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff Moden (11/16/2015)

    On #1... is that a trick question? If you have a PK, you shouldn't have duplicates, right? Can you provide more details on that particular problem, please?

    No, if I have customers, and there's a PK, do I have duplicate customer names? I can think of a few scenarios here, but basically looking for some progressive problems to help people get better. Solve some exercises and improve their skills.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (11/17/2015)

    Jeff Moden (11/16/2015)

    On #1... is that a trick question? If you have a PK, you shouldn't have duplicates, right? Can you provide more details on that particular problem, please?

    No, if I have customers, and there's a PK, do I have duplicate customer names? I can think of a few scenarios here, but basically looking for some progressive problems to help people get better. Solve some exercises and improve their skills.

    Ah. Understood.

    In the meantime, someone asked a question and provided some test data. It's a good simple "joined aggregation" problem.

    EDIT... sorry... used the wrong IFCode. The link should be visible now.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Thanks, everyone. Trying to get some learning material for people together.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (11/18/2015)

    Thanks, everyone. Trying to get some learning material for people together.

    I have to ask... what is this all for? Where will this learning take place?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Here, though not sure how/why/when. I am trying to get some POC together that could be used to help people walk a path, but be easy to evolve and grow over time.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (11/19/2015)

    Here, though not sure how/why/when. I am trying to get some POC together that could be used to help people walk a path, but be easy to evolve and grow over time.

    Sounds like the beginning of an interesting project.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff Moden (11/16/2015)

    hoseam (11/13/2015)


    I want to return two character from a column. But now the column itself returns 0 -9, then double digits. before I concatenated "0", then the problem I had was when I get 13, plus my "0" I would get 013. how do I return just two characters?

    You've happened across a totally different thread. I recommend that you start a new topic all your own. You'll get a lot more people looking at it that way.

    I also strong urge you to read the first link in my signature line below under "Helpful Links" so that you stand the best chance of getting your question answered.

    But this would be a good exercise in the vein of a good basic exercise. 😀 It is shocking how many people request this kind of thing and can't figure out a solution for it.


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Jeff Moden (11/19/2015)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (11/19/2015)

    Here, though not sure how/why/when. I am trying to get some POC together that could be used to help people walk a path, but be easy to evolve and grow over time.

    Sounds like the beginning of an interesting project.

    This does sound like it could be interesting. Do you mean something like a stairway series of miniature articles that get deeper and deeper as they go?

  • Ed Wagner (11/19/2015)

    Jeff Moden (11/19/2015)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (11/19/2015)

    Here, though not sure how/why/when. I am trying to get some POC together that could be used to help people walk a path, but be easy to evolve and grow over time.

    Sounds like the beginning of an interesting project.

    This does sound like it could be interesting. Do you mean something like a stairway series of miniature articles that get deeper and deeper as they go?

    Yes and no. Each article could stand alone or build on previous articles but all in a very "SQL Spackle" fashion.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

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