Powershell script runs fine on Windows 2008R2 but does nothing on Windows 2012 R2

  • I am new to Powershell and I am not sure what to do in regards to the following issue that I am experiencing.

    I have the following script that I use to copy the SQL BAK files from my server to my NAS. I consider this a safety measure to make sure that I have a copy of the SQL BAK file outside of my server. The way this script works is very simple. Simply create a SQL job and make sure that "Type:Powershell" is selected, schedule the job and presto change-o! Your BAK files will be copied remotely to your NAS. This script works perfectly fine with Windows 2008 R2 however it does not on Windows 2012.

    When I run the SQL job on a Windows 2012 R2 server the job reports that it ran successfully. However when I check the NAS folder no files are copied. I check the logs and the logs reports that the job ran successfully as well.



    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SrcFolder,

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$TgtFolder



    robocopy $SrcFolder i:\sqlbackups $TgtFolder \as2\sqlbackups\SERVERNAME /e /copy:dat /log+:i:aslog\log.txt

    ##set exit code

    $exit = $lastexitcode -band 24

    exit $exit

    So I proceeded to put on my troubleshooting hat to determine why this script was failing to copy the files. I first checked to see if I could run the robocopy cmd without the powershell syntax. So I opened a command (admin) shell and I ran the following command like so.

    robocopy i:\sqlbackups \as2\sqlbackups\SERVERNAME /e /copy:dat

    As I expected to see this command ran just fine with no issues. 🙂

    So I then proceeded to the next step and copied the powershell script to my windows powershell ISE. I ran the script and it prompted me with the following.

    cmdlet at command pipeline position 1

    Supply values for the following parameters:


    I never seen this before and I suspect it has something to do with Windows 2012 R2. I want this script to run without any prompting as it does in Windows 2008 R2. Would anyone know how I can resolve this? :unsure:

  • ray santalis-466762 (8/6/2015)


    This is not a properly formed UNC path

    its been discussed recently on this forum but I can't see the point of using robocopy and wrapping it in a PoSh script.

    Build a collection of files and invoke the PoSh "copy-item' cmdlet, works perfectly.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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