NULL and empty string question...

  • I have always (or at least intended to) treat NULL and empty strings separately in my SQL querying history. Now I have run across something that mystifies me (but probably shouldn't) that I would like an explanation for.

    Consider this bit o' code:






    IF @ORDER <> ''

    PRINT 'Not an empty string'


    PRINT 'It is NULL'

    Run this and you will get:

    It is NULL

    I was expecting:

    Not an empty string

    It is NULL

    Why is NULL not passing the 'not an empty string' test? In other words, how does NULL = '' ? Is NULL cast to an empty string for this comparison?

    Hopefully my feeling mystified is just from not enough caffeine yet.

  • SQL uses three-value logic. So anything = NULL evaluates to False and anything <> NULL also evaluates to FALSE. Also, NULL = NULL is FALSE as is NULL <> NULL

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

  • seware74 (10/29/2015)

    I have always (or at least intended to) treat NULL and empty strings separately in my SQL querying history. Now I have run across something that mystifies me (but probably shouldn't) that I would like an explanation for.

    Consider this bit o' code:






    IF @ORDER <> ''

    PRINT 'Not an empty string'


    PRINT 'It is NULL'

    Run this and you will get:

    It is NULL

    I was expecting:

    Not an empty string

    It is NULL

    Why is NULL not passing the 'not an empty string' test? In other words, how does NULL = '' ? Is NULL cast to an empty string for this comparison?

    Hopefully my feeling mystified is just from not enough caffeine yet.

    Because NULL isn't an empty string. It is unknown. It might be an empty string or it might be a watermelon. Since there is no value there is no way to know. As such, any equality check done with NULL on either side will return NULL. So when you say where NULL <> '' it doesn't return true or false, it returns NULL. Think of NULL as the same as NaN. When checking for NULL you must use ISNULL or COALESCE. Does that help?


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  • g.britton (10/29/2015)

    SQL uses three-value logic. So anything = NULL evaluates to False and anything <> NULL also evaluates to FALSE. Also, NULL = NULL is FALSE as is NULL <> NULL

    Actually, in both cases it evaluates to UNKNOWN because NULL isn't different or equal to anything.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • Setting ANSI_NULLS off would give you the expected results. But I won't recommend on doing that other than general testing for additional knowledge.


    In a future version of SQL Server, ANSI_NULLS will always be ON and any applications that explicitly set the option to OFF will generate an error. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.







    IF @ORDER <> ''

    PRINT 'Not an empty string'


    PRINT 'It is NULL'

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (10/29/2015)

    g.britton (10/29/2015)

    SQL uses three-value logic. So anything = NULL evaluates to False and anything <> NULL also evaluates to FALSE. Also, NULL = NULL is FALSE as is NULL <> NULL

    Actually, in both cases it evaluates to UNKNOWN because NULL isn't different or equal to anything.

    This is about the easiest way to remember that I know of. JBM states it similar to this too, something like "NULL isn't equal to anything. It isn't NOT equal to anything, either"

    Yet, we have this:

    SET @var = NULL

    to confuse the unwary πŸ˜‰

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
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  • This is about the easiest way to remember that I know of. JBM states it similar to this too, something like "NULL isn't equal to anything. It isn't NOT equal to anything, either"

    Yet, we have this:

    SET @var = NULL

    to confuse the unwary

    Thanks very much all... I guess I have never run into this because I have always explicitly checked for IS NULL or IS NOT NULL (which I sheepishly :blush: admit makes me one of the unwary). I surmise it is by accident that the actual piece of code I am evaluating is working as intended, as I am certain the writer did not have the knowledge you all have shared. (3rd party db, originally all heaps, lots of RBAR... you get the picture. <sigh>:blink:) or else he was brilliant and I am but a mere mortal.

    Thanks again for the enlightenment! (which is why I come to SSC!)

  • Luis Cazares (10/29/2015)

    g.britton (10/29/2015)

    SQL uses three-value logic. So anything = NULL evaluates to False and anything <> NULL also evaluates to FALSE. Also, NULL = NULL is FALSE as is NULL <> NULL

    Actually, in both cases it evaluates to UNKNOWN because NULL isn't different or equal to anything.

    True, though a little pedantic. In any case it makes no difference here. An IF statement only has two options, not three (the 'Then' clause and the 'Else' clause, unless you have SET FMTONLY ON). The first is executed if the expression returns True; the second if the expression does not return True (i.e. either FALSE or UNKNOWN). So, in the context of an IF statement, where two-value logic is required, NULL = NULL returns the equivalent of FALSE, which is good enough for practical purposes.

    FWIW I wish we could access the intermediate results of Boolean expressions. e.g. I wish this worked:

    select case when (NULL = NULL) is NULL then 'Unknown' end

    For that matter I wish we had true Boolean variables. But I dream.

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

  • For that matter I wish we had true Boolean variables. But I dream.

    I wish I didn't have to try and unravel performance issues from databases servers I know nothing about. But I dream also.:hehe:

  • Just as a side note:

    I don't know on what RDMS you learned SQL, but at least in Oracle, NULL and empty string '' are evaluated as equivalent. Also, by default on most any platform, a NULL cannot be equal, less than, or greater than anything, not even itself. Therefore, the condition '' = ''evaluates to False in Oracle. For those of you used to working exclusively with SQL Server, think about that one for a minute. It can be a potential pitfall for those who context switch between SQL Server and Oracle.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • g.britton (10/29/2015)

    For that matter I wish we had true Boolean variables. But I dream.

    We do.

    create table MyTrueBoolean


    TrueBool bit not null


    If you have a bit column and no value is provided would have it be True or False??? That is why the bit datatype allows NULL. With no known value it can't logically be either.


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  • Sean Lange (10/29/2015)

    g.britton (10/29/2015)

    For that matter I wish we had true Boolean variables. But I dream.

    We do.

    create table MyTrueBoolean


    TrueBool bit not null


    If you have a bit column and no value is provided would have it be True or False??? That is why the bit datatype allows NULL. With no known value it can't logically be either.

    No we don't. Bit expressions cannot be used in place of Boolean expressions. Try the following:

    DECLARE @MyPseudoBoolean BIT = 1;


    WHERE @MyPseudoBoolean

    And you will get an error "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near '@MyPseudoBoolean'." Here the non-boolean type is bit, so a bit is not a boolean in T-SQL.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen (10/29/2015)

    Sean Lange (10/29/2015)

    g.britton (10/29/2015)

    For that matter I wish we had true Boolean variables. But I dream.

    We do.

    create table MyTrueBoolean


    TrueBool bit not null


    If you have a bit column and no value is provided would have it be True or False??? That is why the bit datatype allows NULL. With no known value it can't logically be either.

    No we don't. Bit expressions cannot be used in place of Boolean expressions. Try the following:

    DECLARE @MyPseudoBoolean BIT = 1;


    WHERE @MyPseudoBoolean

    And you will get an error "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near '@MyPseudoBoolean'." Here the non-boolean type is bit, so a bit is not a boolean in T-SQL.


    I knew somebody would split this hair. While it is certainly valid I was demonstrating how you can make a the bit datatype in a table work almost like a boolean. As a variable it certainly won't work and a boolean in a programming sense it certainly doesn't work. πŸ˜‰


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  • Sean Lange (10/29/2015)

    drew.allen (10/29/2015)

    Sean Lange (10/29/2015)

    g.britton (10/29/2015)

    For that matter I wish we had true Boolean variables. But I dream.

    We do.

    create table MyTrueBoolean


    TrueBool bit not null


    If you have a bit column and no value is provided would have it be True or False??? That is why the bit datatype allows NULL. With no known value it can't logically be either.

    No we don't. Bit expressions cannot be used in place of Boolean expressions. Try the following:

    DECLARE @MyPseudoBoolean BIT = 1;


    WHERE @MyPseudoBoolean

    And you will get an error "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near '@MyPseudoBoolean'." Here the non-boolean type is bit, so a bit is not a boolean in T-SQL.


    I knew somebody would split this hair. While it is certainly valid I was demonstrating how you can make a the bit datatype in a table work almost like a boolean. As a variable it certainly won't work and a boolean in a programming sense it certainly doesn't work. πŸ˜‰

    Yes, but I assume that g.britton was already aware of that which is why he included the word "true" in his comment.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen (10/29/2015)

    Sean Lange (10/29/2015)

    drew.allen (10/29/2015)

    Sean Lange (10/29/2015)

    g.britton (10/29/2015)

    For that matter I wish we had true Boolean variables. But I dream.

    We do.

    create table MyTrueBoolean


    TrueBool bit not null


    If you have a bit column and no value is provided would have it be True or False??? That is why the bit datatype allows NULL. With no known value it can't logically be either.

    No we don't. Bit expressions cannot be used in place of Boolean expressions. Try the following:

    DECLARE @MyPseudoBoolean BIT = 1;


    WHERE @MyPseudoBoolean

    And you will get an error "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near '@MyPseudoBoolean'." Here the non-boolean type is bit, so a bit is not a boolean in T-SQL.


    I knew somebody would split this hair. While it is certainly valid I was demonstrating how you can make a the bit datatype in a table work almost like a boolean. As a variable it certainly won't work and a boolean in a programming sense it certainly doesn't work. πŸ˜‰

    Yes, but I assume that g.britton was already aware of that which is why he included the word "true" in his comment.


    You more than likely correct and as always thanks for clarifying.


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