SSRS 2014 Report Builder: X-Axis labels repeating

  • Hello all!

    I am having issues with the labels on my x-axis. I get a range of hours, but only the range of hours in the data.

    If I try to get a 24 hour data range by setting the intervals to 1 with an interval type of hours and set the minimum to 0 and the maximum to 24, I get what I am looking for.

    I also set the properties in major tick marks to have an interval of 60 with an interval type of minutes.

    However, the labels keep repeating until they reach the end of the chart.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you so much.

  • Hi, try changing the interval type to number rather than hours, as hours is a special type and is handled a bit differently

  • I will try that!

    Thank you, Dave!

  • Dave,

    I must be missing something.

    I changed the interval type to number, set the min to 0 and the max to 24, set the major tick marks to 1 and the interval to number.

    I left the format as I need to change that as well?

    I tried changing the format to number and my output was 0;{0} on the x-axis.

    Whenever I run the report, the only number that shows up is 12 for every tick mark.

  • Hmm yes maybe change away from time to number and see how that affects it. If that doesn't solve it, can you attach the RDL?

  • I got that to work, so now I just have to work on some formatting to get the x-axis to look like this

    12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

    However, I still need the report to group by a time field.

    I set the report to group by that field on the x-axis and am attempting to set the label to just be the hours(0-24), while still grouping on the time field.

    This is not working and I am not sure if I can attach the RDL.

  • when you say grouping, have you created a new series or category group?

  • I currently have a category group on the time field and a series group on an ID number and name.

  • hmm ok, can you screenshot what you have in design mode please?

  • I have attached a screenshot of my chart in design mode here.

    Thank you so much for all your help so far!

  • No worries 🙂

    Ok lets take a step back if I may? what are you trying to achieve with the chart?

    If I was to take a guess, you're trying to plot what a given driver was doing at any one time during a 24 hour period?

    If you could also give me a rough overview of the dataset / table you're running this on and some sample / dummy data I'm sure we can get this over the line for you 🙂

  • Dave,

    I am trying to document the driver's daily activity over the course of 24 hours.

    He has 4 different options: off duty, on duty - driving, on duty - not driving, and sleeper berth.

    Every time the time changes or status changes, the line on the chart should move to the corresponding status that was occurring at said time.

    The table contains information on the driver's activities, such as the start time and end time, type of vehicle, vehicle number, driver id, driver name, start and end location, zip codes, what activity they were doing at any particular start and end time, start fuel, etc.

    Also, regardless of what time the activity starts, the line needs to start at 0 on the x-axis.

    I have attached a PDF of some sample data from April 28th, 2015.



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