Select Query

  • I Would appreciate some help with the following query...

    I have a DB with all user tables containing CreateDate, CreateUser, ModifiedDate, Modified User.

    I need the Table name, row count, Min Create Date, Min Create User, Max Create Date, Max Create Date user

    I need to be able to run this over all tables in a DB, but I am struggling with the best way to approach it.

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


  • It cannot be a query, because when you use a "select" statement, the table name cannot be a variable.

    I would get a list of the tables from one of the system views like one of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views into a temp table, then loop through those building a dynamic select for each table and saving or listing the results.

  • DJH-445911 (7/7/2015)

    I Would appreciate some help with the following query...

    I have a DB with all user tables containing CreateDate, CreateUser, ModifiedDate, Modified User.

    I need the Table name, row count, Min Create Date, Min Create User, Max Create Date, Max Create Date user

    I need to be able to run this over all tables in a DB, but I am struggling with the best way to approach it.

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


    The only approach to get this working is AFAIK to use a loop of some kind (like sp_MSFOREACHTABLE) and within this loop you use dynamic SQL to execute the query on each table. Something like this:

    declare @sql_command nvarchar(1500)

    set @sql_command = 'SELECT ''?'' as table_name, count(*) as nr_of_rows, MIN(create_date) as MIN_cr_date, MIN(create_user) as MIN_cr_user, MAX(create_date) as MAX_cr_date, MAX(create_user) as MAX_cr_user '

    + 'FROM ? '

    + 'ORDER BY 1'

    exec sp_MSforeachtable @sql_command

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • The only approach to get this working is AFAIK to use a loop of some kind (like sp_MSFOREACHTABLE) and within this loop you use dynamic SQL to execute the query on each table.

    The ONLY approach? 🙂

    Something like this:

    declare @sql_command nvarchar(1500)

    set @sql_command = 'SELECT ''?'' as table_name, count(*) as nr_of_rows, MIN(create_date) as MIN_cr_date, MIN(create_user) as MIN_cr_user, MAX(create_date) as MAX_cr_date, MAX(create_user) as MAX_cr_user '

    + 'FROM ? '

    + 'ORDER BY 1'

    exec sp_MSforeachtable @sql_command

    I think the logic may be incorrect. I think the OP wants the user associated with the max or min date, not the max or min user.

    This may work. Certainly it's not elegant!

    1. Run this to create the code you need. CAUTION: If there are multiple rows with the same dates you may not get the correct results.


    'INSERT INTO #Results (MinCreateDate, MinCreateUser, MaxCreateDate, MaxCreateUser, MinModifyDate, MinModifyUser, MaxModifyDate, MaxModifyUser)

    SELECT A.MinDate, A.CreateUser, B.MaxDate, B.CreateUser, C.MinDate, C.ModifyUser, D.MaxDate, D.ModifyUser


    (SELECT MinCreate.MinDate, X.CreateUser

    FROM ' + TABLE_NAME + ' X


    (SELECT MIN(CreateDate) MinDate

    FROM ' + TABLE_NAME + ') MinCreate ON X.CreateDate = MinCreate.MinDate) A


    (SELECT MaxCreate.MaxDate, X.CreateUser

    FROM ' + TABLE_NAME + ' X


    (SELECT MAX(CreateDate) MaxDate

    FROM ' + TABLE_NAME + ') MaxCreate ON X.CreateDate = MaxCreate.MaxDate) B


    (SELECT MinModify.MinDate, X.ModifyUser

    FROM ' + TABLE_NAME + ' X


    (SELECT MIN(ModifiedDate) MinDate

    FROM ' + TABLE_NAME + ') MinModify ON X.ModifiedDate = MinModify.MinDate) C


    (SELECT MaxModify.MaxDate, X.ModifyUser

    FROM ' + TABLE_NAME + ' X


    (SELECT MAX(ModifiedDate) MaxDate

    FROM ' + TABLE_NAME + ') MaxModify ON X.ModifiedDate = MaxModify.MaxDate) D' + CHAR(10)




    2. Create a temp table to hold the results:

    CREATE TABLE #Results


    MinCreateDate datetime,

    MinCreateUser varchar(100),

    MaxCreateDate datetime,

    MaxCreateUser varchar(100),

    MinModifyDate datetime,

    MinModifyUser varchar(100),

    MaxModifyDate datetime,

    MaxModifyUser varchar(100)


    3. Run the code from above to fill the table

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Without having to rely on an undocumented procedure, you could use something like this:

    IF OBJECT_ID('TablesInformation') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE TablesInformation;

    CREATE TABLE TablesInformation(

    name nvarchar(256),

    rows char(20 ),

    min_create_date datetime,

    min_create_user varchar(18 ),

    max_create_date datetime,

    max_create_user varchar(18 )


    DECLARE @Query nvarchar(MAX)

    SET @Query = ( -- Table name, row count, Min Create Date, Min Create User, Max Create Date, Max Create Date user

    SELECT 'INSERT INTO TablesInformation ' +

    'SELECT ''' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME + ''' AS Table_Name, ' +

    'COUNT(*), MIN(Create_Date), MIN(Create_User), MIN(Create_Date), MIN(Create_User) ' +

    'FROM ' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME + ';'


    WHERE TABLE_NAME <> 'TablesInformation'

    FOR XML PATH('')


    EXEC sp_executesql @Query

    SELECT * FROM TablesInformation;

    EDIT: Sorry, I got confused between threads. The idea is the same but I'll make some changes and post the correct code.

    EDIT: Code corrected

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Here is a framework to build on:

    declare @TableName sysname,

    @SQLCmd nvarchar(max);

    declare TableNames insensitive cursor for

    select as TableName


    sys.tables tab

    order by;

    open TableNames;

    fetch next from TableNames

    into @TableName;

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    select @SQLCmd = N'

    with basedata as (


    @CurrentTable CurrentTable,

    rn1 = row_number() over (order by CreatedDate asc),

    rn2 = row_number() over (order by CreatedDate desc),




    ' + @TableName + N'


    select *




    rn1 = 1 or

    rn2 = 1;';

    exec sys.sp_executesql @SQLCmd, N'@CurrentTable sysname', @CurrentTable = @TableName;

    fetch next from TableNames

    into @TableName;


    close TableNames;

    deallocate TableNames;

  • Great, thank you for the replies.

    Michael - Correct, I needed the associated users from the rows rather than min and max users, sorry if I wasnt clear on that. I used your code to get this working and it seems to run and will hopefuly satisfy the request, Thank you!


  • An improved version of my previous code. 😉

    IF OBJECT_ID('TablesInformation') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE TablesInformation;

    CREATE TABLE TablesInformation(

    name nvarchar(256),

    rows char(20 ),

    min_create_date datetime,

    min_create_user varchar(18 ),

    max_create_date datetime,

    max_create_user varchar(18 )


    DECLARE @Query nvarchar(MAX);

    WITH Row_Counts AS(

    SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME Table_Name, SUM(s.row_count) Row_Count


    JOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats s ON s.object_id = OBJECT_ID(TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME)

    WHERE TABLE_NAME <> 'TablesInformation'

    AND index_id IN(0,1)



    SELECT @Query = (

    SELECT 'INSERT INTO TablesInformation ' +

    'SELECT ''' + Table_Name + ''', ' + CAST( Row_Count AS varchar(15)) + ', ' +

    'mn.Create_Date, mn.Create_User, mx.Create_Date, mx.Create_User ' +

    'FROM (SELECT TOP 1 Create_Date, Create_User FROM ' + Table_Name + ' ORDER BY Create_Date) mn,' +

    ' (SELECT TOP 1 Create_Date, Create_User FROM ' + Table_Name + ' ORDER BY Create_Date DESC) mx;'

    FROM Row_Counts

    FOR XML PATH('')


    EXEC sp_executesql @Query

    SELECT * FROM TablesInformation;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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