Credentials stored securely in the report server

  • I have looked but cant seem to find what login/user I need to set up to run subscription reports - I have

    Created instance level login – default db the data db.

    Put user in report server db

    RSExecRole – which also seem to auto tick dbowner.

    Data db




    and execute permissions on sp, func etc which are used to access data.

    Any advice or reading to how I should have it set up. Thanks.

  • on the datasource for your report (via the SSRS website), you need to put stored credentials in there

  • Thanks - yes should have said I have done that. Was wondering if my login/users were set up correctly. What I have found doesn't seem to say what permissions on what the login needs.


  • What kind of subscription delivery are you dealing with? Email / File Share? If file share you need to set the unattended execution account on the SSRS config so that SSRS knows who to write to the fileshare as. If email you need to complete the Email settings in the SSRS config.

    Generally other than that, all you need is to have a user who can connect to the data source and run the queries embedded in the report.

    Generally we use a generic reports account with a really strong password generated by passutil.exe (different password for each server) then users authenticate with SSRS as themselves and the reports authenticate with SQL as ReportUser

  • Just email for the time being.

    The roles I assigned to the users in the two dbs seemsed to be the only obvious ones to get the subscription working. Does what I have seem reasonable to you.

    I think I have the email config for SSRS sorted.


  • You shouldn't have to change any permissions in the ReportServer database. That database is purely for the SSRS service, when you run through the SSRS config setup it sets all the permissions for the service accounts.

    You just need users at the user data layers where the reports grab their data from, generally read/execute rights on specific procs/schema depending how you have it setup.

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