Backup Database Mirror Databases and do some other stuff...

  • Hi together,

    i have a problem with the if exists statement...the goal is only run stuff if the database is online on the current System so i did this

    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases

    WHERE name = N'Database' AND state_desc = 'ONLINE')

    BACKUP DATABASE [Database] TO DISK = N'\\UNC-Path\Database.bak'

    WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'Database-Vollständig Datenbank Sichern', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10

    BACKUP LOG [Database] TO DISK = N'\\UNC-Path\Database-log.trn'

    WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'Database-Transaktionsprotokoll Sichern', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10


    BACKUP LOG runs i did

    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases

    WHERE name = N'Database' AND state_desc = 'ONLINE')

    BACKUP DATABASE [Database] TO DISK = N'\\UNC-Path\Database.bak'

    WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'Database-Vollständig Datenbank Sichern', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10


    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases

    WHERE name = N'Database' AND state_desc = 'ONLINE')

    BACKUP LOG [Database] TO DISK = N'\\UNC-Path\Database-log.trn'

    WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'Database-Transaktionsprotokoll Sichern', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10


    now BACKUP DATABASE and LOG runs only when the database is online...but if i want to do now stuff like this

    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases

    WHERE name = N'Database' AND state_desc = 'ONLINE')

    BACKUP DATABASE [Database] TO DISK = N'\\UNC-Path\Database.bak'

    WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'Database-Vollständig Datenbank Sichern', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10


    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases

    WHERE name = N'Database' AND state_desc = 'ONLINE')

    BACKUP LOG [Database] TO DISK = N'\\UNC-Path\Database-log.trn'

    WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'Database-Transaktionsprotokoll Sichern', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10


    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases

    WHERE name = N'MailM' AND state_desc = 'ONLINE')

    USE Database


    USE Database runs everytime....regardless what i do.

    How can i fix this?

    Thanks in advance

  • Wurstsalat (9/17/2015)

    BACKUP LOG runs everytime

    Add BEGIN ... END?



    BACKUP DATABASE [Database] ...

    BACKUP LOG [Database] ...


    Don't think you can use "USE" to change databases mid-batch like that, I think you would have to use dynamic SQL

  • Yep, thanks

    BEGIN/END fixed the first flaw....but not the "USE" flaw for dynamic SQL i have to read much i think...saw a few articles about it ( i am not very common in programming SQL )

    I will check this out until no one else has another great idea about this...

  • Wurstsalat (9/17/2015)

    Yep, thanks

    BEGIN/END fixed the first flaw....but not the "USE" flaw for dynamic SQL i have to read much i think...saw a few articles about it ( i am not very common in programming SQL )

    I will check this out until no one else has another great idea about this...

    Why do you want a use database statement, database focus is irrelevant for backup commands.

    Your default database will be sufficient


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • i would like to do a index reorg after or before backup and in general i like the option to run commands on the machine which holds the database online (no depencies)

    also i would like to do a shrink after reorg


    hm i could do this in a seperate SQL Agent Job and Trigger it after/before backup? hmmmm more spreaded Jobs but....should work? i think/hope

    anyway, still thankfull for any other solution/idea

  • Don't know if it would help? but you can be connected to the database when you do the Backup (but not a Restore)

    So, in principle, you could do

    USE MyDatabase

    BACKUP MyDatabase

    Rebuild Indexes in MyDatabase

    I don't suppose it will solve ALL of the maintenance tasks you might like to do, but you can also use 3-part naming to Rebuild an index - so you can be connected to a different database and use

    ALTER INDEX MyIndexName

    ON MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable


  • Wurstsalat (9/17/2015)

    i could do this in a seperate SQL Agent Job and Trigger it after/before backup?

    Rather than separate jobs how about a SQL Agent Job with multiple steps?

    Step 1 : Backup

    Step 2 : Rebuild indexes etc.

    You can set the "action" to either abort, or continue with the next step, or continue with Step N, if an error occurs during one of the steps.

  • i liked this idea but i think i have to do one backup job for each database and i dont like to do to much "parallel" backups but still want to do all backups in the shortest possible timeframe (-> best with no "dead times" while backup time).

    So i have a plan/timeline which i should monitor over the time

    Hm still not my favorite but i like your thinking

  • Wurstsalat (9/17/2015)

    also i would like to do a shrink after reorg

    STOP shrinking your databases!!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Wurstsalat (9/17/2015)

    i think i have to do one backup job for each database and i dont like to do to much "parallel" backups but still want to do all backups in the shortest possible timeframe

    One SQL Agent job, One step PER database backup?

    We use a procedure which backups up all databases, one-after-the-other, except for any database names in an "exclusion list". So if we create a new database it is automatically added to the backup process (until/unless we put the name of the database in the Exclusion list)

  • Perry Whittle (9/17/2015)

    Wurstsalat (9/17/2015)

    also i would like to do a shrink after reorg

    STOP shrinking your databases!!

    the space is only needed for the reorgs, not while running productive (no auto expanding is needed while production, if this would happen we would set a bigger size).

    We have a few big tables which bloats the databases to 1 3/4 of "normal" size, if we do nothing we would run out of disk space and the reorgs wouldnt be possible... (yes someone could buy more disks but the guy with the Money said no)

    So we have to decide, reorg or shrink to a size which does not effect the production but the reorgs...would you consider not to shrink/reorg?

  • i would like to use a procedure which backups all databases except those in a exclusion list but i dont know how to do this + onlinecheck (like i wrote, i am not very comon in writing SQL)...if i dont do this check i have always errors in the Job

  • Wurstsalat (9/17/2015)

    but i dont know how to do this

    Have a look at Minion Backup perhaps? or the Backup from Ola Hallengren? Both also do Index Rebuild etc.

  • Wurstsalat (9/17/2015)

    Perry Whittle (9/17/2015)

    Wurstsalat (9/17/2015)

    also i would like to do a shrink after reorg

    STOP shrinking your databases!!

    the space is only needed for the reorgs, not while running productive (no auto expanding is needed while production, if this would happen we would set a bigger size).

    We have a few big tables which bloats the databases to 1 3/4 of "normal" size, if we do nothing we would run out of disk space and the reorgs wouldnt be possible... (yes someone could buy more disks but the guy with the Money said no)

    So we have to decide, reorg or shrink to a size which does not effect the production but the reorgs...would you consider not to shrink/reorg?

    when you shrink you'll likely undo all the rebuild or reorg work anyway as pages may get moved during the shrink operation, so your efforts in the first place are futile.

    Disks are cheap nowadays, there's no excuse!!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (9/18/2015)

    when you shrink you'll likely undo all the rebuild or reorg work anyway as pages may get moved during the shrink operation, so your efforts in the first place are futile.

    +1 (well, + lots!)

    Kristen's suggestion of Ola Hallengren's scripts is a good shout too. Takes care of all the dynamic SQL for you & logs work done.

    Reorgs should only take log space, not additional space in the database data files.

    Rebuilds do take extra space, but should only do it an index at a time (and therefore only use extra space equivalent to the size of that index)

    - make sure you're only doing indexes that need it and not using REBUILD ALL.

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