Where is this job's RUN AS context hidden?

  • i've got a suite of SSIS jobs that have job steps that explicitly say they will run as [SQL Server Agent Account];

    I've got other TSQL only job steps that leave the run as blank.

    I THOUGHT the run as user was sysjobsteps.database_user_name, but that doesn't make sense, since the agent is not a database user.

    for my specific job step above, i get some data, but the name was blank.

    i searched column names for anything that contained "run", and couldn't find it that way either.

    where is the run as user stored for a given step?

    oh, and why do i want this info? i want to find any job steps, on any server, that might have users that should not be used, and should be replaced by a different user;


    database_name database_user_name








    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs jobz

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps stepz

    ON jobz.job_id = stepz.job_id

    WHERE stepz.step_name = 'CDW_GDC-SQL-D01_MSSQLSERVER1_GDC-SQL-D01_MSSQLSERVER1_0_2_Step'


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  • "where is the run as user stored for a given step?"

    You can find the "run as" for a job step in the column [proxy_id] in [msdb].dbo.[sysjobs]

    Its text value is found in the [name] column, in [msdb].dbo.[sysproxies]. Example query:

    USE [msdb]


    SELECT JobName = j.[name]

    ,JobOwner = suser_sname(owner_sid)

    ,ProxyName = Prx.[name]


    FROM [dbo].[sysjobsteps] js WITH(NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN dbo.sysjobs j

    ON js.job_id = j.job_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sysproxies AS Prx

    ON js.proxy_id = Prx.proxy_id

    ------WHERE js.[subsystem] = 'CmdExec'

    ORDER BY j.[name], step_id




    --- Doug

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