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Database Snapshots – A view of database at a specific point in time

Beginning with SQL Server 2005, Microsoft introduced a new feature called database snaphots, which gives DBAs a way of presenting a consistent view of data at a certain time. So in other words we can say that it is a static, read-only copy of a source database that gives you a consistent view of a database as of a certain point in time. You can use the snapshot for operations supported by a read-only database, such as reporting applications. You can create multiple database snapshots on a source database. You can recover the source database to the point when the snapshot was created from a database snapshot. However, when recovering from a snapshot, the source database must be available.

Database snapshots are available only in the Enterprise Edition of Microsoft SQL Server and all recovery models support database snapshots. Checkout my article here, in which I explained how exactly this feature works, why you may or may not consider using it, and how to get started using it.

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