
  • Hi,

    I am practicing Replication. I am getting different problem. I choose replication feature when I was installed. I used my instance as distributor and created some 3-4 publications and I deleted those publications. After that when I tried again to create a new publication, I am getting error message. Even it not showing me the option to pick the articles. Until the first screen shot it is right but the next one is not coming properly. I am attaching my screen shots. Please let me know how can I solve this problem.

  • I never saw this error before so I just can guess.

    The error tells you the table syspublications not existing. This is a system table that gets created when marking the database for beeing published.

    I could immagine that there is some trouble with the GUI of SSMS too.

    Try the following:

    Disconnect from the instance and reconnect.

    If still not working: disable your database from beeing published. In SSMS, right click on the Replication-Folder and choose "Publisher Properties". In the section "Publication Databases" disable your database. Then try it all againg.

    If still not working: disable the whole instance of beeing a publisher and/or distributor.

  • I didn't do any changes but today it is working fine again. I am wondering how it is possible. Any way thank you so much.

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