April 19, 2015 at 11:33 pm
I am getting error when I am trying to create table on runtime
Declare @FileName varchar(100)
Declare @File varchar(100)
set @FileName='brkrte_121227102828'
SET @File = SUBSTRING(@FileName,1,CHARINDEX('_',@FileName)-1)
--=select @File
Declare @table_name varchar(100)
Declare @ssql varchar(1000)
SET @table_name = 'DataStaging.dbo.Staging_'+ @File
SET @sSQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @table_name + ' ( ' +
' [COL001] VARCHAR (4000) NOT NULL, ' +
' [Id] Int Identity(1,1), ' +
' [LoadDate] datetime default getdate() ' +
' )'
Exec @sSQL
Error massage:-
Msg 203, Level 16, State 2, Line 16
The name 'CREATE TABLE DataStaging.dbo.Staging_brkrte ( [COL001] VARCHAR (4000) NOT NULL, [Id] Int Identity(1,1), [LoadDate] datetime default getdate() )' is not a valid identifier.
Please help me to resolve above error
Vipin jha
April 19, 2015 at 11:38 pm
Got the answer
issue with the exec
correct one is Exec (@sSQL)
April 20, 2015 at 12:07 am
Thanks to have provided the solution .
April 21, 2015 at 4:37 pm
CELKO (4/21/2015)
I am getting error when I am trying to create table on runtime
Please, please read any book on data modeling. A schema is supposed to be a model of a "universe of discourse" (remember that from your first course in Logic?). Each table is either a set of entities or relationships among entities. Each table has to have a key by definition.
But you live in a magical Universe where you can create things from nothing! Elephants drop out of the sky for you! What you are doing is re-inventing magnetic tape files in SQL. In the 1960's, we used hang a fresh new tape on a drive and give it a label based on the current date! WOW! Just what you are doing now!
Then to make things worse, you used IDENTITY. This is a physical count of the physical insertions to this one table on this one machine. It is how you can fake a 1960's tape file record number.
Oh, “getdate()” is an old Sybase/UNIX construct that was replaced a few years ago with the ANSI/ISO Standard CURRENT_TIMESTAMP today. You did the wrong and did it badly. You need to stop programming until you know the most basic RDBMS concepts; you are dangerous to any employer.
I am going to paraphrase this statement you made:
You need to stop programming until you know the most basic RDBMS concepts; you are dangerous to any employer.
Here it is:
You need to stop trying to help less experienced individuals until you learn to be a real mentor; you are dangerous to any newbie.
April 22, 2015 at 9:08 am
Hi Lynn ,
+1 for your reply to the last post of Celko .
It is not the 1st time that Celko was writing posts which are showing how he is respecting other posters. Now , I am applying what a friend moderator on other forums ( MSDN ) told me when I was complaining about the way he was replying : ignore him.
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