SQL Upgrade interrupted from 2008 R2 to 2012

  • Dear DBA's,

    I am in the middle of a migration process, from SQL Server 2008 R2 to 2012. I am using the Upgrade method.

    It is a cluster. I started by the passive node, as recommended by the documentation.

    Three instances were successfully upgraded in the passive node.

    During the fourth instance upgrade process, I received the following error message:

    Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'System.Management.IWbemServices'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{9556DC99-828C-11CF-A37E-00AA003240C7}' failed due to the following error: The requested object does not exist. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010114).

    Then the upgrade was interrupted. Later I tried to re-run the upgrade process in the same Instance, in the same node, but I got stuck in the "Instance Configuration" screen, where it gives me the following message:

    [Error Message]

    The Instance ID 'INFRA' is already in use by SQL Server instance 'INFRA.INACTIVE'. To continue, specify a unique Instance ID.


    Then I cannot proceed the upgrade.

    Can you give me any tips of how I can act to complete the upgrade?

    Thanks in advance.

    Lucas Benevides

    DBA Cabuloso

    DBA Cabuloso
    Lucas Benevides

  • I found a post in another site that worked for me.


    DBA Cabuloso
    Lucas Benevides

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