How to send email on scheduler job on both failure and success in MS SQL server

  • I have configured smtp email in MS sql server and configure email to schedular job when schedular jobs become failed. Can i configure email so that email will be sent from scheduler job on both success of job and Failure of job?

  • You can set the notification of the job to email the operator when the job completes -(i.e if it fails or succeeds).

  • By using operator, we can configure sending mail either in fail only or success only. is any possible to configure email using operator sending email not only in failure of job but also in success of schedular jobs.

  • USE [msdb]


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id=N'<JOB_GUID>',



    Running the following will set the job to send an alert when it completes.

    See attachment for screen shot of doing it through the GUI.

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