Select SUM of products where name before the space is the same

  • Hi All,

    I need to get the total sales for every product sold in the last month. That is easy enough if the product only has one quantity.

    I have for example:

    Product ID Sales

    Coca-Cola 340ml 1 2

    Coca-Cola 500ml 2 2

    Coca-Cola 2L 3 6

    Iron Brew 340ml 4 1

    Iron Brew 500ml 5 4

    select LEFT(Product, charindex(' ', Product) - 1),sum(qty) as QTY

    from mpsales.salesreports

    where datepart(month,invoicedate) = 1

    group by Product

    order by Product,qty desc

    This shows:

    Coca-Cola 2

    Coca-Cola 2

    Coca-Cola 6

    Iron Brew 1

    Iron Brew 4

    Instead I want to see:

    Coca-Cola 10

    Iron Brew 5

    Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

  • Untested, but may be as simple as changing

    group by Product


    group by LEFT(Product, charindex(' ', Product) - 1)


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  • Thanks Mark, works perfectly

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