job fail because of the set options

  • Hi everybody,

    So i have an update query that works just fine when i execute it.

    However when i run it as a job, it displays the following error :

    "Update Failed because the following Set options have incorrect settings : 'Quoted identifier'

    Verify thatSET options are correct for use with indexed Views and/or indexes on computed culomns and/or

    filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML data type methods and/or spatial index operations [SQLSTATE42000](Error 1934)

    the step failed

    Many Thanks

  • Just put SET QUOTED IDENTIFIER ON at the top of the command in your job step.


  • Thanks for the reply,

    you mean like that?


    Update Knowledge4All..AllMembers set TZ = EmployeeNum

    Where LastUpdate > '2018-01-01' And TZ is null

    and Track2 is not null and EmployeeNum is not null

    and MemberName not like '%family%'

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