Extend a column based on Selection in Parameter Prompts

  • I have a parameter prompt with hierarchy (Category, sub category, product)

    If I select for instance "Locks" in the prompt, the matrix table should be enable to extract and display the list of Category and sub catebory.

    If I select for instance "7456 Pumps" (name of a produkt from the sub catebory Pumps), the matrix table should be be enable to extract and display the list of Category, sub catebory and product.

    The quesion is:

    Is it possible to do it in SSRS?


    I'm using SSAS as a data source

  • yes... take a look at:


  • Thank you for your help!

    The info you have provided do not explain based on my requested result. It gives a part of it but not the main part.

  • You can try to write conditinal group expression for matrix Row Groups that depends on the selected value of the Parameters. You need three level Row Group: when one of these level is unnecessary the group expression is 1=1 and you set Visibility To Hidden.

    You need to parametrize Drill-down function too

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