Dynamic SQL OpenQuery Call SP with @variable?

  • I would like to call a Stored Procedure with @variable from within a Stored Procedure. It works perfectly with-out the @variable as you might guess. The problem is I have to send a @variable. Here's what I have so far.

    This first example uses a hard-coded contact.id number and the procedure runs perfectly!

    I would like to use the contact.id instead. Help...




    (Select * FROM OPENQUERY(MyServer,'EXEC [MyDatabase].[dbo].[GetContactsRoles] 123456')) as [ContactRoles]




  • Based on the limited info you've provided...hopefully this helps...

    --Build a temp table to hold the contact ID


    --1 as ID


    into #TempContactID

    From Contacts;

    --Declare our variable to hold the dynamic SQL statement that we will build

    Declare @sql varchar (max)

    --Declare our variable to hold the contact id we want to pass into the [MyDatabase].[dbo].[GetContactsRoles] function

    Declare @ContactID varchar(15)

    --Set the contact id variable to the value from our temp table

    Set@ContactID = (select Id from #TempContactID) --This assumes a single row in #TempContactID

    --Build our dynamic SQL string

    Set@sql = '




    (Select * FROM OPENQUERY(MyServer,''EXEC [MyDatabase].[dbo].[GetContactsRoles] ' +@ContactID +' '')) as [ContactRoles]

    From Contacts


    --Print our string for de bugging

    Print (@SQL)

    --Execute the SQL

    EXEC (@SQL)

  • Nice code! I have a very large SP and don't wont to make it a dynamic sql though. Maybe I could run the 1st SP and insert it into a table then run the 2nd SP and update the one column. What do ya think?

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