Exporting to Multiple excel files

  • Sorry if I posted this in the wrong location but nothing else seems to fit.

    I would like to know if it's possible to run a tsql statement that would build multiple excel files by breaking on a column name change saved to a network share. For instance

    State break so the excel out put would be al.xlsx, ks.xlsx, mo.xlsx

    data would simply be

    State, Fname, Lname --> Sorry no example of data just wondering if this is even possible. Basically running some sql query loop that would create a new file once the state name changed. SSIS is probably not an option because I would have to build out all of the states anyway, want something a little more dynamic.

  • Not sure how to do the Excel part. However, for a dynamic approach you could do something like this:

    -- Create a table with the distinct values you're looking for

    SELECT DISTINCT stateName INTO #tmpStates FROM myTable

    -- Iterate over that list and call a proc or function to do the excel part for each state

    DECLARE @vc nvarchar(100)

    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT stateName from #tmpStates) BEGIN

    SELECT @vc = TOP 1 stateName from #tmpStates

    -- Pass to proc

    EXECUTE myProcToCreateExcel(@vc)

    -- Proc would select * from myTable where stateName = @vc

    -- and do something with the data

    -- Delete that one

    DELETE #tmpStates WHERE stateName = @vc


  • I would look at exporting using OPENROWSET.

    You could probably use SSIS to call a single package multiple times. Pass the state as a package variable. Use the variable to create a file and also as a parameter to retrieve the appropriate data.

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