Paramater Concatenation

  • Hi Everyone,


    SET @CN = 'abc pvt Ltd'

    select * from [@CN'+'$Production]

    My output should be select * from [abc pvt Ltd$Production].I DO NOT want to use a string for my Select Query

    Could anyone of you help on me this.

  • As far as I know of, without building your query as a string and passing it to EXEC or (preferably) sp_executesql, this isn't possible, to the best of my knowledge.

    If I remember correctly, it has something to do with requiring database names in queries to be explicit declarations; you can accomplish this with a string that gets run through EXEC, since the variable is replaced by its value, but not in a non-EXEC query.

    - 😀

  • You can include table names or derived tables in your from clause but not a non-static value. Dynamic SQL (using sp_executesql not EXEC) is the way to go for this.There is no problem with Dynamic SQL when it done correctly (e.g. in a way where SQL Injection can't happen).

    That said, here is an alternative solution if you MUST avoid Dynamic SQL.

    --sample data

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tbl1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tbl1;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tbl2') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tbl2;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tbl3') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tbl3;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tbls') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tbls;

    SELECT 't1' AS tbl INTO #tbl1;SELECT 't2' AS tbl INTO #tbl2;SELECT 't3' AS tbl INTO #tbl3;

    -- catch-all query

    WITH tbls(tbl) AS (SELECT '#tbl1' UNION SELECT '#tbl2' UNION SELECT '#tbl3')

    SELECT * INTO #tbls FROM tbls


    DECLARE @CN VARCHAR (100)='#tbl1';

    IF EXISTS (SELECT tbl FROM #tbls WHERE tbl=@CN)


    IF @CN='#tbl1'

    SELECT * FROM #tbl1

    --SELECT TOP 10 * FROM #tbl1

    IF @CN='#tbl2'

    SELECT * FROM #tbl2

    --SELECT TOP 10 * FROM #tbl2

    IF @CN='#tbl3'

    --SELECT TOP 10 * FROM #tbl3

    SELECT * FROM #tbl3



    SELECT 'table does not exist or has not been entered into #tbls. Fire someone.' AS Msg

    Here I am using a catch-all query; see this article[/url] by Gail Shaw for more information about catch-all queries...

    One final important note

    Do you really need all the rows from any table defined by @CN? Even if it has a couple billion rows?

    I would suggest that you have the query return a limited number of values (note my commented out code above)...

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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