Query that generates values by date range

  • Hi,

    I have a table that stores Terminal ID, Product Name, Cost and Effective Date. I need to generate query that will produce record set with start effective date and end date based on terminal and product. Table has over million records. In example below you could see table structure/data and desired outcome.

    SELECT fmc_terminal, fmc_date = CAST(d. fmc_date AS DATETIME)

    ,d.fmc_prodlnk, d. fmc_cost

    INTO #TestTable

    FROM (

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-03 00:04:00.000','A', 2.25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-03 11:33:00.000','A', 2.26 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-04 00:04:00.000','A', 2.27 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-05 00:04:00.000','A', 2.28 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-05 11:04:00.000','A', 2.29 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '2014-12-01 15:04:00.000','A', 2.20 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '2014-12-02 18:08:00.000','A', 2.31 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '2014-12-03 13:13:00.000','A', 2.39 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-01 00:04:00.000','B', 5.54 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-01 12:31:00.000','B', 5.55 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-02 14:04:00.000','B', 5.64 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '2014-12-03 12:12:00.000','B', 5.51 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-01 00:04:00.000','C', 7.23 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-04 00:04:00.000','C', 6.22 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-05 00:04:00.000','C', 6.23 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-06 00:04:00.000','C', 6.24 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, '2014-12-12 10:04:00.000','C', 3.99

    ) d ( fmc_terminal, fmc_date, fmc_prodlnk, fmc_cost)


    Expected outcome

    fmc_terminalfmc_prodlnkfmc_cost StartDateEndDate

    1A2.25 NULL2014-12-03 00:04:00.000

    1A2.26 2014-12-03 00:04:00.0002014-12-03 11:33:00.000

    1A2.27 2014-12-03 11:33:00.0002014-12-04 00:04:00.000

    1A2.28 2014-12-04 00:04:00.0002014-12-05 00:04:00.000

    1A2.29 2014-12-04 00:04:00.0002014-12-05 11:04:00.000

    2A2.20 NULL2014-12-01 15:04:00.000

    2A2.31 2014-12-01 15:04:00.0002014-12-02 18:08:00.000

    2A2.39 2014-12-02 18:08:00.0002014-12-03 13:13:00.000

    1B5.54 NULL2014-12-01 00:04:00.000

    And so on….

  • SELECT fmc_terminal

    , fmc_prodlnk

    , fmc_cost

    , lag(fmc_date)OVER(PARTITION BY fmc_terminal

    , fmc_prodlnk

    ORDER BY fmc_date) AS StartDate

    , fmc_date AS EndDate

    FROM #TestTable

    ORDER BY fmc_terminal, fmc_prodlnk;

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

  • I have SQL 2008, LAG wouldn't work

  • legeboka (12/12/2014)

    I have SQL 2008, LAG wouldn't work

    You realise you're in the 2012 forum? πŸ™‚

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • Something like this should work as well, its not as neat as the LAG function but






    , fmc_prodlnk

    , fmc_cost

    , fmc_date

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY fmc_terminal

    , fmc_prodlnk

    ORDER BY fmc_date) AS RN

    , fmc_date AS EndDate






    ,Prev.fmc_Date as StartDate


    CTE_RN Curr




    AND Curr.fmc_prodlnk=Prev.fmc_prodlnk

    AND Curr.Rn=Prev.Rn+1

    ORDER BY fmc_terminal, fmc_prodlnk;

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

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