LIKE and IN in same where clause

  • I am trying to create a report with multiple value parameters which has individual names as well as "ALL Select"

    In order to implement this. I need to pass the parameter in the where clause with an IN.

    At the same time , I am looking to pass wildcard. How can I implement this.

    If I don't use IN , my report will not display as mufti value so IN is required...

    Query is :

    Select Device_Name

    from Servers

    where Manager in ('%' + @Manager + '%')

    This gives incorrect results.

    Any other idea?

  • ;with LikeList (string) as


    select 'Bob' union all

    select 'Jane' union all

    select 'Bill'

    ), sourceTable (string) as


    select 'Happy' union all

    select 'Bill Posters' union all

    select 'Jane Doe'


    select st.String

    from sourceTable st

    inner join likeList ll

    on st.string like '%' + ll.String + '%'

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

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