Convert/Insert all files in a directory

  • My task is to convert jpeg's to binary and then insert them into a table called "images". I need to convert/insert all jpeg files in a directory. I'm able to accomplish the task if the files are numbered. The query below works by retrieving one file at a time based on the value of @i. However, I also have directories where the files are not numbered but have ordinary text names like "Red_Sofa.jpg". I need to iterate through these directories as well and convert/insert the jpeg's. I'm running SSMS 2014 Express on 4.0 and Windows 7. I appreciate the help.

    DROP TABLE images

    CREATE TABLE images


    image_name varchar(500) null

    ,image_data varbinary(max) null


    DECLARE @i int

    SET @i = 951

    WHILE (@i <= 951)


    DECLARE @sql varchar(MAX)

    SELECT @sql =

    'INSERT INTO images (image_name, image_data)


    ' + convert(nvarchar(5), @i) + ' AS image_name,

    BulkColumn FROM OpenRowSet ( Bulk ''C:\DB\' +

    convert(nvarchar(5), @i) +

    '.jpg'', Single_Blob) AS image_data'

    EXEC (@SQL)

    SET @i = @i + 1



  • Google the (undocumented :ermm:) extended stored procedure xp_dirtree - Patrick Keisler has a useful blog post.

  • Here is a PowerShell example:

    #env settings

    $srv = "orlando-surface\sql2012"

    $db = "tempdb"

    $dir = "C:\@\"


    #nothing below here changes

    #build connection string

    $connStr = "Server=$srv;Database=$db;Trusted_Connection=True;"

    #connect to the database

    $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connStr)


    #get list of files from directory

    foreach($file in (Get-ChildItem $dir | where {-not $_.PSIsContainer}))


    $filename = $file.FullName

    $name = $file.Name

    $binData = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($filename)


    $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("Insert into images (image_name, image_data) values(@image_name, @image_data)", $conn)

    $cmd.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]'Text'

    $cmd.Parameters.Add("@image_name", [System.Data.SqlDbType]'VarChar')

    $cmd.Parameters["@image_name"].Value = $name

    $cmd.Parameters.Add("@image_data", [System.Data.SqlDbType]'VarBinary')

    $cmd.Parameters["@image_data"].Value = $binData






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