sqlserver 2008R2 installation - Service account error in Error log

  • Hello,

    I have installed sqlserver 2008R2 on new m/c as a part of migrating from sql 2005 to sql 2008.

    Next day I was looking the log and found the error message:

    Login failed for user 'MSSqlDB2K8\sqlsrvAcct'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

    I have created this account during installation but didn't add account int oadministrator group.

    I have also tried to login using same credential in SSMS and I can't connect.

    When tried to sto pand start the service i can do it.

    I have added user into Administer group but still not working.

    I have also assigned account in Sysadmin server Role into Security.

    Thank you!

  • What is the default database for the login?

    SELECT default_database_name

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE name = 'MSSqlDB2K8\sqlsrvAcct';


    Is the database online and in multi user mode?



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  • Thanks for your resposne.

    Default DB is MASTER.

    DB is ONLINE

    it's in MULTI_USER Mode

    I don't have any User DBs, only System DB


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