SQL Jobs

  • I'm new to SQL Server and I was wondering if anyone can help me with a query for SQL jobs.

    I have hundreds of scheduled jobs (various times and days) and although I could look at each one individually, I was hoping there may be a system table or view I could query to get the job name and the time/day that it runs i.e. schedule.

    I am trying to find a open window where I can do maintenance but it seems like jobs run almost 24/7 and if I could see the schedule at a glance, it would help a great deal.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Thank you


  • Daft question from me, maybe, but is the main Job Activity Window not sufficient?

    It shows all the jobs, you can order them in a variety of ways, and it shows the times the jobs last ran and will next run.

    Apologies if this is not suitable - just a very simple way to do it without resorting to system views and so on.

  • What about something like posted here


  • sqljobvis is a really good free tool that gives you a graphical view of jobs and their running times on the sql server. worth a look.


  • Awesome!

    Thank you very much!


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