Count Null values in all columns in a table and group it by a column

  • Hi all!

    I have a table that I want to be able to count all null values and group it by a column without having to do a count(column) for each column? Is there a an easier way to do this?

    Sample Data

    EmployeeID Computers Phone Ipad

    123 1 Null Null

    124 Null 1 1

    098 Null Null Null

    I would like my output to be:

    EmployeeId TotalNullValues

    123 2

    124 1


    098 3

  • Indeed there is.

    Something like the following should do the trick.

    I made some of the columns character data for no particular reason other than to throw a couple data types in there (and it seemed EmployeeID was probably character, since it had a leading 0).

    --Let's get some sample data to work with

    CREATE TABLE SampleData (

    EmployeeID CHAR(3),

    Computers char(1),

    Phone int,

    Ipad int


    INSERT INTO SampleData

    SELECT '123','1',NULL,NULL


    SELECT '124',NULL,1,1


    SELECT '098',Null,NULL,NULL

    --Some CASE statements should make this simple

    select EmployeeID,

    sum(case WHEN Computers IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)+

    sum(case WHEN Phone IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +

    sum(case WHEN Ipad IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    AS NumberOfNulls from SampleData

    GROUP BY EmployeeID

    --Lets clean up our sample table

    DROP TABLE SampleData


  • Thanks for this!

    I sometimes work with large data sets where my tables have over 100 columns. Is there an easier way of doing this instead of 100 case statements? Maybe a query join with sys.columns?


  • Marv2011 (5/8/2015)

    Thanks for this!

    I sometimes work with large data sets where my tables have over 100 columns. Is there an easier way of doing this instead of 100 case statements? Maybe a query join with sys.columns?


    You would have to do that with dynamic sql. My question is why do you care how many rows of each column have NULL?


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  • My question is why do you care how many rows of each column have NULL?

    That does seem like an odd requirement.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Its for research purposes. The table that I am analyzing is a back end table of a front end clinical survey. A null value means that question was skipped and not answered. My clinical practice needs to know how many questions are getting skipped. The survey unfortunately has 100 questions.

  • Marv2011 (5/8/2015)

    Its for research purposes. The table that I am analyzing is a back end table of a front end clinical survey. A null value means that question was skipped and not answered. My clinical practice needs to know how many questions are getting skipped. The survey unfortunately has 100 questions.

    I would think that with 100 columns it would be faster to just type out the columns as opposed to creating a dynamic sql solution for this. You could leverage sys.columns to help you build your query since the only thing that is really going to change across the columns is the column name.

    select 'SUM(Case when [' + sc.Name + '] IS NULL then 1 else 0 end as [' + sc.Name + '_NullCount]'

    from sys.columns sc

    where object_id = object_id('SampleData')

    Then just copy and paste the results into your query window in the correct location in the fine example code by Jason Wilkins.


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Since I'm incredibly lazy, I'll borrow some code from Old Hand and insert a shortcut:

    --Let's get some sample data to work with

    CREATE TABLE SampleData (

    EmployeeID CHAR(3),

    Computers char(1),

    Phone int,

    Ipad int


    INSERT INTO SampleData

    SELECT '123','1',NULL,NULL


    SELECT '124',NULL,1,1


    SELECT '098',Null,NULL,NULL

    -- start my cheezy code

    WITH this AS


    SELECT EmployeeID, (SELECT * FROM SampleData sd2 WHERE sd.EmployeeID=sd2.employeeid FOR XML PATH, ELEMENTS XSINIL) AS xmlstr

    FROM SampleData sd


    SELECT EmployeeID, LEN(xmlstr) - LEN(REPLACE(xmlstr, 'xsi:nil="true"', 'xsi:nil="true'))

    FROM this

    -- end my cheezy code

    --Some CASE statements should make this simple

    select EmployeeID,

    sum(case WHEN Computers IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)+

    sum(case WHEN Phone IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +

    sum(case WHEN Ipad IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    AS NumberOfNulls from SampleData

    GROUP BY EmployeeID

    --Lets clean up our sample table

    DROP TABLE SampleData

  • Thank you everyone! Appreciate the input and help!

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