[n00b] Buffer Manager Question

  • IT Pro with basic SQL administration skills. Asked to start 'looking into' performance related issues on geospatial databases.

    I came across an article some place that suggested I check some of the Memory/Buffer Manager statistics. I ran this query:

    SELECT object_name, counter_name, cntr_value

    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    WHERE [object_name] LIKE '%Buffer Manager%'

    and this is what it returned, seems extraordinary to my ignorant eyes.


    Buffer cache hit ratio 1939

    Buffer cache hit ratio base 1939

    Page lookups/sec 258618204542

    Free list stalls/sec 7007

    Database pages 548350

    Target pages 32751616

    Integral Controller Slope 0

    Lazy writes/sec 32677

    Readahead pages/sec 8359214

    Page reads/sec 16466857

    Page writes/sec 238703906

    Checkpoint pages/sec 9100680

    Background writer pages/sec 22

    Page life expectancy 818504

    Am I crazy?


  • I assume you're referring to the ungodly-high Anything/sec counters?

    It should seem extraordinary, and you're not crazy 🙂

    Those metrics, despite being named .../sec, are not actually stored as a per second calculated figure. They're just stored as basic counters, so that number you're seeing is just a cumulative count (for example, page reads/sec is just a count of all the page reads that have occurred since the counter initialized).

    If you look at those using Perfmon, then it will perform some calculations using those base numbers to show you the number you expect.


  • WHEW! Ok, I'll take a look at them in perfmon and see how they look there.

    Thanks a bunch!

  • Here are a couple of scripts that make the numbers more useful.

    The first gives you all counters, including absolute values (like page life expectancy), percentages calculated by dividing a counter by a base (like cache hit ratio) and per-second averages since the last service restart.

    use master;

    set nocount on;

    declare @up_secs bigint

    select @up_secs = datediff(second, create_date, getdate()) from sys.databases where name = 'tempdb'

    select rtrim(object_name) object_name, rtrim(instance_name) instance_name, rtrim(counter_name) counter_name, cntr_value

    from sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    where cntr_type = 65792

    union all

    select rtrim(object_name), rtrim(instance_name), rtrim(counter_name), 1. * cast(cntr_value as bigint) / @up_secs

    from sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    where cntr_type = 272696576

    union all

    select rtrim(v.object_name), rtrim(v.instance_name), rtrim(v.counter_name), 100. * v.cntr_value / case when b.cntr_value = 0 then 1 else b.cntr_value end

    from (

    select object_name, instance_name, counter_name, cntr_value

    from sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    where cntr_type = 537003264) v

    join (

    select object_name, instance_name, counter_name, cntr_value

    from sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    where cntr_type = 1073939712) b on v.object_name = b.object_name and v.instance_name = b.instance_name and rtrim(v.counter_name) + ' base' = rtrim(b.counter_name)

    union all

    select rtrim(v.object_name), rtrim(v.instance_name), rtrim(v.counter_name), 1. * v.cntr_value / case when b.cntr_value = 0 then 1 else b.cntr_value end

    from (

    select object_name, instance_name, counter_name, cntr_value

    from sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    where cntr_type = 1073874176) v

    join (

    select object_name, instance_name, counter_name, cntr_value

    from sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    where cntr_type = 1073939712) b on v.object_name = b.object_name and v.instance_name = b.instance_name and replace(rtrim(v.counter_name), ' (ms)', '') + ' Base' = rtrim(b.counter_name)

    order by object_name, instance_name, counter_name

    And the second runs for 10 seconds, giving only the per-second counters over that time period only.

    use master;

    set nocount on;

    declare @before table (

    capture_time datetime,

    [object_name] nvarchar(255),

    instance_name nvarchar(255),

    counter_name nvarchar(255),

    cntr_value bigint


    declare @after table (

    capture_time datetime,

    [object_name] nvarchar(255),

    instance_name nvarchar(255),

    counter_name nvarchar(255),

    cntr_value bigint


    insert @before

    select getdate(), rtrim(object_name), rtrim(instance_name), rtrim(counter_name), cast(cntr_value as bigint)

    from sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    where cntr_type = 272696576

    waitfor delay '00:00:10'

    insert @after

    select getdate(), rtrim(object_name), rtrim(instance_name), rtrim(counter_name), cast(cntr_value as bigint)

    from sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    where cntr_type = 272696576

    select b.[object_name], b.instance_name, b.counter_name, 1000. * (a.cntr_value - b.cntr_value) / datediff(ms, b.capture_time, a.capture_time) cntr_value

    from @before b

    join @after a on b.[object_name] = a.[object_name] and b.instance_name = a.instance_name and b.counter_name = a.counter_name

    order by 1, 2, 3, 4

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