Subquery returned more than 1 value error message

  • Hi

    I'm receiving the following message:

    Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression

    So I'm guessing that in one of the sub-queries, I'm returning more than 1 row of data. Problem is that after dissecting this for hours, I can't find where. I can't see where I can replacing an '=' with 'IN', 'MAX', 'Top' etc. might be appropriate either.

    Strangely when I run the code against another schema in the same database it works fine.

    Help please!

    The code is:

    declare @Locality varchar(max)

    set @Locality = 'Locality Yate'

    SELECT T.Locality,GS2.CodeDescription AS 'Specialty',Status,Count(T.ClientID) AS 'Number'

    FROM (SELECT REF.ClientID,REF.ReferralNumber,SpecialtyReferredTo,ServiceTeam,

    ISNULL((SELECT GS.CodeDescription

    FROM dbo.vwSGReferrals As REF2

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.GenServiceTeam AS GST ON GST.CodeDescription=REF2.ServiceTeam

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.AmsSpecialtyTeams AS AST ON GST.Code=AST.Team

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.GenSpecialty AS GS ON AST.Specialty=GS.Code

    WHERE REF.ClientID=Ref2.ClientID AND REF.ReferralNumber=REF2.ReferralNumber

    AND DischargeDateTime IS NULL

    AND AST.Specialty Like '%LOC%'),'No Locality') AS 'Locality' ,

    CASE WHEN (SELECT Max(Apps2.ContactID)

    FROM ABI_RiO.dbo.vwSGReferrals Refs2

    LEFT JOIN ABI_RiO.dbo.vwSGAppointmentsPD Apps2 ON Refs2.ClientID = Apps2. ClientID AND Refs2.ReferralNumber = Apps2.ReferralNumber

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ABI_RiO.SchemaSG.AmsOutcome AS AOUT ON AOUT.Code=APPs2.Outcome

    WHERE Refs2.ClientID = Ref.ClientID

    AND Refs2.ReferralNumber = Ref.ReferralNumber

    AND NationalCode=5) IS NOT NULL Then 'Active'

    ELSE 'Waiting'

    END As Status

    FROM dbo.vwSGReferrals As REF

    WHERE DischargeDateTime IS NULL


    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.GenSpecialty AS GS2 ON T.SpecialtyReferredTo=GS2.Code

    WHERE (ISNULL(Locality,'NULL') IN (SELECT * FROM fnSplitList(@Locality, ',')))

    GROUP BY T.Locality,T.SpecialtyReferredTo,GS2.CodeDescription,Status;



  • The first thing that comes to mind is the query

    (SELECT GS.CodeDescription

    FROM dbo.vwSGReferrals As REF2

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.GenServiceTeam AS GST ON GST.CodeDescription=REF2.ServiceTeam

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.AmsSpecialtyTeams AS AST ON GST.Code=AST.Team

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.GenSpecialty AS GS ON AST.Specialty=GS.Code

    WHERE REF.ClientID=Ref2.ClientID AND REF.ReferralNumber=REF2.ReferralNumber

    AND DischargeDateTime IS NULL

    AND AST.Specialty Like '%LOC%')

    inside the ISNULL function.

    Or otherwise the fnSplitList function is acting weird.

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  • Thanks Koen

    That was my suspician too. Maybe one of those joins is not 1:1.

    The split list function might be worth another look after that.



  • declare @Locality varchar(max)

    set @Locality = 'Locality Yate'



    [Specialty] = GS2.CodeDescription,


    [Number] = Count(T.ClientID)

    FROM (






    Locality = ISNULL((

    SELECT TOP 1 GS.CodeDescription

    FROM dbo.vwSGReferrals As REF2 -- You don't need this reference here; correlate

    -- GST to REF instead of REF2 to REF

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.GenServiceTeam AS GST

    ON GST.CodeDescription = REF2.ServiceTeam

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.AmsSpecialtyTeams AS AST

    ON GST.Code = AST.Team

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.GenSpecialty AS GS

    ON AST.Specialty = GS.Code

    WHERE REF.ClientID = Ref2.ClientID

    AND REF.ReferralNumber = REF2.ReferralNumber

    AND DischargeDateTime IS NULL -- which table alias?

    AND AST.Specialty Like '%LOC%' -- this turns LEFT JOIN into INNER JOIN!

    ),'No Locality'),

    [Status] = CASE

    WHEN (

    SELECT Max(Apps2.ContactID)

    FROM ABI_RiO.dbo.vwSGReferrals Refs2

    LEFT JOIN ABI_RiO.dbo.vwSGAppointmentsPD Apps2

    ON Refs2.ClientID = Apps2. ClientID

    AND Refs2.ReferralNumber = Apps2.ReferralNumber

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ABI_RiO.SchemaSG.AmsOutcome AS AOUT -- is this table required?

    ON AOUT.Code = APPs2.Outcome

    WHERE Refs2.ClientID = Ref.ClientID

    AND Refs2.ReferralNumber = Ref.ReferralNumber

    AND NationalCode = 5 -- which table alias?

    ) IS NOT NULL Then 'Active'

    ELSE 'Waiting' END

    FROM dbo.vwSGReferrals As REF

    WHERE DischargeDateTime IS NULL -- which table alias?


    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaSG.GenSpecialty AS GS2

    ON T.SpecialtyReferredTo = GS2.Code

    WHERE (ISNULL(t.Locality,'NULL') IN (SELECT * FROM fnSplitList(@Locality, ',')))

    GROUP BY T.Locality, T.SpecialtyReferredTo, GS2.CodeDescription, [Status];

    The splitlist function is likely to slow things up quite a bit.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
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    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi Chris

    Thanks for that. It works like a dream. I shall also implement your more elegant SQL against the other schemas as well.

    Have a top day.



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