Remove substring of fixed length following character.

  • Hi

    For reasons I'll not bore you with I have a field which contains values like




    I need to find a way to remove from the string the 'Y codes' i.e. the letter Y itself and the following 4 characters (if there is a trailing comma, 3 characters where Y code is final in list). There may be zero to over 20 Y codes in each string. The table has approx. 20 million rows.


    create table #temp1

    (ID int, code varchar(max))

    INSERT #temp1 ([ID],) VALUES (1,N'A100,Y123,B200')

    INSERT #temp1 ([ID],) VALUES (2,N'A100,Y123,Y999')

    INSERT #temp1 ([ID],) VALUES (3,N'A100,Y123,Y999,C300')

    INSERT #temp1 ([ID],) VALUES (4,N'A100,Y234,B200')

    INSERT #temp1 ([ID],) VALUES (5,N'A100,Y143,Y999')

    INSERT #temp1 ([ID],) VALUES (6,N'A100,Y134,B200,A100,Y134,B200,A100,Y134,B200,A100,Y124,B200,A100,Y123,B200,A100,Y234,B200,A100,Y234,B200,A100,Y134,B200,A100,Y124,B200')

    I've experimented with the STUFF function and can almost get the behaviour I want but recognise that there must be a better way to achieve this.

    select ID, code, stuff(code, charindex(',Y',code,1), 5,'') as remove_1_y,

    stuff(stuff(code, charindex(',Y',code,1), 5,''),charindex('Y',stuff(code, charindex(',Y',code,1), 5,''),1),5,'') as remove_2_y

    from #temp1

    Grateful for any suggestions please.



  • Here's a different approach

    WITH RemovedY AS (

    SELECT t.ID,


    SUBSTRING(t.CODE,(s.number*5)+1,4) AS CODE2,

    s.number AS Pos

    FROM #temp1 t

    INNER JOIN master.dbo.spt_values s ON s.type='P'

    AND (s.number*5)+1 < LEN(t.CODE)

    AND SUBSTRING(t.CODE,(s.number*5)+1,1) <> 'Y')

    SELECT t.ID,

    STUFF((SELECT ',' + r.CODE2 AS "text()"

    FROM RemovedY r

    WHERE r.ID = t.ID

    ORDER BY r.Pos

    FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS CODE

    FROM RemovedY t

    GROUP BY t.ID;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • that's a great suggestion - thanks.

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