SQL2014 Trying to get SQL Server to listen on a different port isn't working

  • This is my first SQL2014 install. We want to have it listen on a different port than the default. I have followed these instructions but after I change it when I attempt to connect via Mgt Studio on my PC I can no longer connect. When SQL Server starts on the server it says it is listening on the new port and I start SQL Browswer as well. What am I doing wrong?

  • what happens if you try connecting with

    computername, portnumber


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • could you also post the output of this run from a command prompt

    netstat -anp TCP


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Markus (12/18/2014)

    This is my first SQL2014 install. We want to have it listen on a different port than the default. I have followed these instructions but after I change it when I attempt to connect via Mgt Studio on my PC I can no longer connect. When SQL Server starts on the server it says it is listening on the new port and I start SQL Browswer as well. What am I doing wrong?

    You could check Firewall and make sure that open your port to allow connections to SQL SERVER.

  • Dang... my bad.... I was attempting to connect to the server with servername:portnumber.... not servername,portnumber

    Thanks for the help!

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