Add instance to 2012 cluster "instancename" parameter missing

  • In our DR environment we have a two-node active/passive cluster which is normally completely shutdown since we use Netapp snap mirroring to keep the data files current. Sql and the cluster are only turned on when bringing DR up.

    I'm trying to add another instance of sql using the normal core-licensed install package ( GUI ) but it never asks me for the new instance name -- just the option to add shared features. Error at the end is "instancename" parameter is missing.

    Do all of the cluster services have to be on line for this install?

    I've tried both add a new failover cluster and add a node to failover cluster. The terminology is confusing as "node" implies adding a new physical server.

  • Indianrock (4/12/2015)

    add a new failover cluster

    Means create a new clustered instance of sql server, has nothing to do with any existing instances

    You will require

    • new shared disks
    • new IP address
    • new networkname

    Indianrock (4/12/2015)

    add a node to failover cluster.

    This add a new cluster node to an existing clustered instance.

    If you specify Instancename and it doesn't exist you'll obviously get an error.

    Read my HA stairway starting at the link below for a better understanding of WSFC and FCIs[/url]


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • When I chose this option I was never asked for instants name or IP address must the cluster services be running for this install to work correctly

    ----add a new failover cluster

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