how to add percent to matrix AND on it's own row? Very Hard

  • I think the key reason I am having trouble getting a % within the matrix is that I have row groupings which restrict the available data, at the time that I need to make a comparison between that row groupings total and the ungrouped data's metric.

    or said another way, is it possible to create an switch statement that says, give me a count of all "External" with ReferralID=1 and divide that by a count of All Referral IDs and pivot by month. Am willing to use a second dataset or use any clever mechanism to make it happen.

    would love someone to review and see if they have ideas on this.

    how to add % rows to a matrix?

    Need SSRS to look like this.

    Ref Type--------------row description----------------Jan----------Feb----------Mar----------Apr--->









    I am able to build the matrix but without the % rows. I am using an IIF expression to accomplish that as follows:

    =iif(Fields!row_description.Value = "Internal", count(Fields!ReferralID.Value),



    But I don't know how to build it out to return the % ROWS underneath corresponding row_descriptions :

    RDL attached.

    DDL for table and data

    --create table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Referral](

    [ReferralID] [INT] NOT NULL,


    [RefType] [VARCHAR](20) NULL,

    [row_description] [VARCHAR](20) NULL)

    --data for table

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Referral](ReferralID, [RefDate] ,[RefType], [row_description])



    (2, '2015-01-01',1,'interviewed'),





















  • Looks like if you created a subreport for this part:





    You could do the % under that, and you'd be good to go, right?

  • That's the defacto report. Do you mean something SSRS-y when you say 'sub_report'?

    I'm able to create the above matrix, minus the % rows and it's the % rows I need to incorporate.

    Also, I can't have the % at the very bottom. They need to be ordered as I have shown.

    Does that make sense? Doable?

  • Grrr... I hate SSRS... in a minute I'm going to give up and try this in Excel!!! SSRS absolutely BLOWS!!!

  • I am going to change my query, that's how frustrated I am. I have begun, and am testing.

  • I give up (for now)... this is as close as I got. Can't figure out how to do the



    part. The rest works a champ.

  • I think I got it... and it's not even an April Fool's joke...

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