Issue converting Adjacency list to Hierarchy table

  • Hello Experts!

    I have been trying to convert an existing table that used adjacency list model (parentid,childid) to a table that use hierarchy Id type. So early on, I notice my original data does contains multiple roots. So I took a step to create dummy nodes to ensure all nodes fall into a single root structure. Another important fact is that each child node can have multiple parents.

    My original source table contains 22461 records, when running the query below step 2 produces explosive number of records around 175,000+ records. I spent hours study the result and couldn't understand what actually causing this, I ran it against small set of test data I didn't seem the issue caused by child with multiple parents. Could someone shed some lights or give some suggestion what could be the problem?

    Thanks in Advance!

    select * from SourceTable -- produces 22461 records

    --step 1: first, get row number of child records in each parent


    INTO #RelationshipTmp

    FROM SourceTable;

    --verify step 1 produce correct result

    select ParentID,ChildID, Num from #RelationshipTmp

    --step 2 start conversion process

    ;WITH Paths(NodeID, ParentID, ChildID)


    --get top most level record with no parent, denoted by parent id= empty guid

    SELECT HIERARCHYID::GetRoot() as NodeID, ParentID, ChildID

    FROM SourceTable

    where ParentID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'


    --get path for each child

    SELECT CAST(P.NodeID.ToString() + CAST(C.Num AS VARCHAR(30)) +'/' AS HIERARCHYID), c.ParentID, C.ChildID

    FROM #RelationshipTmp AS C

    INNER JOIN Paths P ON C.ParentID=P.ChildID


    select NodeID.ToString(), * from Paths

  • Alright! After spending another couple hours with a magnified glasses and couple packs of cigarettes I found the source of the issue. Those children nodes with multiple parents is the problem of the problem. Ironically the same is almost true in real life.

    A child with multiple parents, NOT ONLY it creates multiple paths to itself, but also caused multiple paths to the nodes it is parent of (directly or indirectly).

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