Partitioning Existing table with Non clustered index on Date column

  • Hi All,

    I have one table with 10 lacks records. I partitioned that table on CreatedDate column with non clustered index

    ( i am not removing clustered index on ID column, It is as part of primary key).

    It is inserting to data into relevant partition only. But i am verifying is that table partitioned or not by using below steps, in object Explorer-Database-->TestDB-->tables-->select partitioned table and Right click on table select properties --Storage

    File Group= Primary

    Table Partitioned = False

    If create Partitioned with Clustered index , it is showing correctly Table Partitioned = True But i am creating with non clustered.

    Can any one explain

    Is it table partitioned or not? and how to know data is coming from which partition (with out using ($partition)

    below are example table partition script which i followed steps for original table.

    CREATE TABLE tblPartition(ID int primary key identity(1,1),Name varchar(30),CreatedDate Datetime)

    insert into tblPartition(Name,CreatedDate)

    SELECT 'Name1','2013-05-26 13:53:47.650'

    union all

    select 'Name2','2013-05-26 13:53:47.650'

    union all

    SELECT 'Name1','2013-06-26 13:53:47.650'

    union all

    select 'Name2','2013-06-26 13:53:47.650'

    union all

    SELECT 'Name1','2013-07-26 13:53:47.650'

    union all

    select 'Name2','2013-07-26 13:53:47.650'


    CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [PartitionFunction](datetime) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (N'2013-05-31 23:59:59', N'2013-06-30 23:59:59', N'2013-07-31 23:59:59')

    CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [PartitionScheme] AS PARTITION [PartitionFunction] TO ([FGNdf10], [FGNdf11], [FGNdf12], [PRIMARY])

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_PartitionScheme_CreatedDate] ON [dbo].[tblPartition]



    )WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF) ON [PartitionScheme]([CreatedDate])


    select * from tblPartition

    where $partition.PartitionFunction(CreatedDate)=1




  • Hi All,

    Can any one explain on it?

  • hi,

    it's a little bit hard to understand you're question but I think I got it.

    Let's have a look at your CREATE TABLE statement. You did not add the information on which filegroup you create the table. Have a look at books online, and you will find that, if not defined, the table is created on the filegroup PRIMARY.

    So I guess your table is NOT partitioned. You will have to rebuild the table or the clustered index respectively.

    Independent of the table itself, you can create a nonclustered index. As for the table you have to define the filegroup for the index. If not defined it is PRIMARY, or even the filegroup of the clustered index I think (look at books online).

    As you DID define the filegroup, in this case the partition scheme, it means that the index is actually partitioned.

    The following select might help you:


    ObjectName = object_schema_name( i.object_id ) + '.' + object_name( i.object_id )

    , i.index_id


    , part.partition_number

    , DataSpaceType = spaces.type_desc

    , DestinatonDataSpaceName =

    , PartitionKey = ranges.value

    , FileGroupName =

    , [FileName] =

    , files.physical_name


    sys.indexes i

    inner join

    sys.objects obj on

    obj.object_id = i.object_id and

    obj.type = 'U'

    left outer join

    sys.partition_schemes schemes on

    schemes.data_space_id = i.data_space_id

    left outer join

    sys.partitions part on

    part.object_id = i.object_id and

    part.index_id = i.index_id

    left outer join

    sys.partition_functions func on

    func.function_id = schemes.function_id

    left outer join

    sys.partition_range_values ranges on

    ranges.function_id = func.function_id and

    ranges.boundary_id = part.partition_number - func.boundary_value_on_right

    left outer join

    sys.destination_data_spaces dest on

    dest.partition_scheme_id = schemes.data_space_id and

    dest.destination_id = part.partition_number

    left outer join

    sys.data_spaces spaces on

    spaces.data_space_id = i.data_space_id

    left outer join

    sys.filegroups fgroup on

    fgroup.data_space_id = dest.data_space_id or

    fgroup.data_space_id = i.data_space_id

    left outer join

    sys.database_files files on

    files.data_space_id = fgroup.data_space_id

    order by

    object_schema_name( i.object_id ) + '.' + object_name( i.object_id ),



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