Finding App;lication Name

  • Hi All,

    Is it possible to find an application name on a particular time in the past through DMVs.

    I came across the situation where login failed to access the db. It happened 10 days ago. They want to know through which application, it is connected.

    Is it possible to find the application name?

  • If the login failed, then there won't be a session for you to use the DMVs against. Typically you'd find that kind of information in: sys.dm_exec_sessions in the program_name column if they did actually make a connection.

    The only information that gets captured for failed logins that I'm aware of is in the SQL Server Logs, the source IP address and the username. You can find those through SQL Server Management Studio in the Object Excplorer:

    Management\SQL Server Logs\(separate files listed by most recent entry)

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