February 12, 2015 at 12:07 pm
I am running a script by the end of the day. What I need is the rows in my temp table get saved in a permanent table.
The name of the table should end with the current date at the end.
Can you please correct the following script please ?
Declare @tab varchar(100)
set @tab = 'MPOG_Research..ACRC_427_' + CONVERT(CHAR(10), GETDATE(), 112 )
IF object_id(@tab ) IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE '@tab';
Select * INTO @tab from #acrc427;
February 12, 2015 at 12:13 pm
Please don't. Use a single table with an additional column to define the date of the data. Otherwise, you'll end with way too many tables for no reason.
February 12, 2015 at 12:37 pm
Well I need it. I can certainly update the script to remove yetersdays table.
But please I need the help.
February 12, 2015 at 12:44 pm
create a table with a known name, and then rename it.
declare @newname varchar(30) = 'ACRC_427_' + CONVERT(CHAR(10), GETDATE(), 112 )
IF object_id('stagingtmp' ) IS NOT NULL
EXEC('DROP TABLE stagingtmp');
IF object_id(@newname ) IS NOT NULL
EXEC('DROP TABLE ' + @newname);
select top 5 *
into stagingtmp
from sys.tables
exec sp_rename 'stagingtmp',@newname
--the day this was run, the tablename was ACRC_427_20150212
sELECT * FROM ACRC_427_20150212
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