Using fetch and cursor in a while loop

  • Hi

    I have a master table that has truck,lisens and startdate.

    Now I need to run this, one record at the time and use the trucK and lisens to get the stop date from another table.

    I have written the code below, but it does not print my truck id in the query section of the while.

    I will replace the print with my actual query of course, but I ran the code once with out any output and now it seems that the reason is because I do not get any truck and lisens from the id_cursor

    Any comments on what I am doing wrong?


    -- Declare the variables to store the values returned by FETCH.

    DECLARE @truck varchar(3), @min_lic varchar(12);

    DECLARE id_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT truck,min_lic FROM KPIPlukkTidStart;

    OPEN id_cursor;

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.




    --Try to print the parameters

    PRINT 'The truck : ' + @truck

    FETCH NEXT FROM id_cursor

    INTO @truck, @min_lic;


    CLOSE id_cursor;

    DEALLOCATE id_cursor;


  • Hi try this.


    -- Declare the variables to store the values returned by FETCH.

    DECLARE @truck varchar(3), @min_lic varchar(12);

    DECLARE id_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT truck,min_lic FROM KPIPlukkTidStart;

    OPEN id_cursor;

    Fetch Next From id_cursor into @truck,@min_lic

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.




    --Try to print the parameters

    PRINT 'The truck : ' + @truck

    FETCH NEXT FROM id_cursor

    INTO @truck, @min_lic;


    CLOSE id_cursor;

    DEALLOCATE id_cursor;



  • Hi.

    Thanks that works.



  • You do realize that there is probably a set-based solution to your problem so that a cursor solution is not needed. If you would provide the details of the problem you are actually trying to solve I am sure someone will help you.

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