Select within a time interval within a date range

  • I am trying to create a query where you need to select for records using a date range and to only include records within a specific time range for each day within the date range. I have done this successfully for time range that needs to occur within the day but, I need help when the time range needs to be cross-midnight.

    For example, I have a table of Calls and each call has a Call Date. So, I want to select a date range of 5 days or more and to include a time interval of 8 AM to 5 PM during the day. This was fine and was able to accomplish this with no problem. However, if we want to look for calls between the times of 11 PM and 2 AM for each day then what is the appropriate form of the query.

    For example, the following code worked okay when the date range is 8 AM to 5 PM (within the day):

    declare @startdate datetime

    declare @enddate datetime

    declare @starttime datetime

    declare @endtime datetime

    set @startdate = '12/01/2011'

    set @enddate = '12/06/2011'

    set @starttime = '8:00 AM'

    set @endtime = '5:00 PM'

    select @startdate as start_date, @enddate as end_date

    select @starttime as start_time, @endtime as end_time

    select CallDate, Extension, CallerID, CalledID

    from RecordedMsgs

    where (CallDate >= @startdate and calldate < @enddate)

    and ( (CONVERT(varchar, CallDate,108)) >= @starttime and (CONVERT(varchar, CallDate,108)) < @endtime )

    order by CallDate

    However, in my code above there are no records returned if @starttime = '11:00 PM' & @endtime = '2:00 AM'.

    Can anyone suggest the appropriate way to configure a query to deal with the cross-midnight time interval?

  • DROP TABLE #RecordedMsgs

    ;WITH RecordedMsgs (CallDate, Extension, CallerID, CalledID) AS (

    SELECT '2011-12-04 01:59:59.999', 'night', 1, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 02:00:00.000', 'morn', 1, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 07:59:59.999', 'morn', 2, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 08:00:00.000', 'day', 1, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 16:59:59.999', 'day', 2, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 17:00:00.000', 'night', 2, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 07:59:59.999', 'morn', 3, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 08:00:00.000', 'day', 3, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 16:59:59.999', 'day', 4, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 17:00:00.000', 'night', 3, 20


    SELECT * INTO #RecordedMsgs FROM RecordedMsgs


    declare @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime

    SELECT @startdate = '12/01/2011', @enddate = '12/06/2011'

    declare @starttime time, @endtime time


    SELECT @starttime = '8:00 AM', @endtime = '5:00 PM'

    SELECT CallDate, Extension, CallerID, CalledID

    FROM #RecordedMsgs

    WHERE CallDate >= @startdate

    AND CallDate < @enddate

    AND (

    (@starttime < @endtime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime)


    (@starttime > @endtime AND (CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime OR CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime))


    ORDER BY CallDate


    SELECT @starttime = '5:00 PM', @endtime = '2:00 AM'

    SELECT CallDate, Extension, CallerID, CalledID

    FROM #RecordedMsgs

    WHERE CallDate >= @startdate

    AND CallDate < @enddate

    AND (

    (@starttime < @endtime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime)


    (@starttime > @endtime AND (CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime OR CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime))


    ORDER BY CallDate


    SELECT @starttime = '2:00 AM', @endtime = '8:00 AM'

    SELECT CallDate, Extension, CallerID, CalledID

    FROM #RecordedMsgs

    WHERE CallDate >= @startdate

    AND CallDate < @enddate

    AND (

    (@starttime < @endtime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime)


    (@starttime > @endtime AND (CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime OR CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime))


    ORDER BY CallDate

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Nice work Chris,

    I would make a small modification because it's losing values from the last day.

    ;WITH RecordedMsgs (CallDate, Extension, CallerID, CalledID) AS (

    SELECT '2011-12-04 01:59:59.999', 'night', 1, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 02:00:00.000', 'morn', 1, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 07:59:59.999', 'morn', 2, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 08:00:00.000', 'day', 1, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 16:59:59.999', 'day', 2, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 17:00:00.000', 'night', 2, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 07:59:59.999', 'morn', 3, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 08:00:00.000', 'day', 3, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 16:59:59.999', 'day', 4, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 17:00:00.000', 'night', 3, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-06 03:00:00.000', 'night', 4, 40


    SELECT * INTO #RecordedMsgs FROM RecordedMsgs


    declare @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime

    SELECT @startdate = '20111201', @enddate = '20111206'

    declare @starttime time, @endtime time


    SELECT @starttime = '2:00 AM', @endtime = '8:00 AM'

    SELECT @startdate = DATEADD(SS, DATEDIFF(SS, 0, @starttime), @startdate),

    @enddate = DATEADD(SS, DATEDIFF(SS, 0, @endtime), @enddate)

    SELECT CallDate, Extension, CallerID, CalledID

    FROM #RecordedMsgs

    WHERE CallDate >= @startdate

    AND CallDate < @enddate

    AND (

    (@starttime < @endtime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime)


    (@starttime > @endtime AND (CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime OR CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime))


    ORDER BY CallDate

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (6/16/2014)

    Nice work Chris,

    I would make a small modification because it's losing values from the last day.

    ;WITH RecordedMsgs (CallDate, Extension, CallerID, CalledID) AS (

    SELECT '2011-12-04 01:59:59.999', 'night', 1, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 02:00:00.000', 'morn', 1, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 07:59:59.999', 'morn', 2, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 08:00:00.000', 'day', 1, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 16:59:59.999', 'day', 2, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-04 17:00:00.000', 'night', 2, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 07:59:59.999', 'morn', 3, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 08:00:00.000', 'day', 3, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 16:59:59.999', 'day', 4, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-05 17:00:00.000', 'night', 3, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-06 03:00:00.000', 'night', 4, 40


    SELECT * INTO #RecordedMsgs FROM RecordedMsgs


    declare @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime

    SELECT @startdate = '20111201', @enddate = '20111206'

    declare @starttime time, @endtime time


    SELECT @starttime = '2:00 AM', @endtime = '8:00 AM'

    SELECT @startdate = DATEADD(SS, DATEDIFF(SS, 0, @starttime), @startdate),

    @enddate = DATEADD(SS, DATEDIFF(SS, 0, @endtime), @enddate)

    SELECT CallDate, Extension, CallerID, CalledID

    FROM #RecordedMsgs

    WHERE CallDate >= @startdate

    AND CallDate < @enddate

    AND (

    (@starttime < @endtime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime AND CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime)


    (@starttime > @endtime AND (CAST(CallDate AS TIME) >= @starttime OR CAST(CallDate AS TIME) < @endtime))


    ORDER BY CallDate

    Cheers mate.

    That was deliberate, though not necessarily correct: CallDate < @enddate from the OP's original query.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Dear Luis and Chris,

    That was perfect. It was exactly the solution I was looking for. Thank you very much.

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