Performance issue with subquery containing row_number and partitioning

  • Hi,

    I'm developing a query that does what I want it to, but takes a long time to run. I thought I'd see if the smart folks on this site had any suggestions for an alternative approach.

    My query looks something like this:

    SELECT Equipment.EquipID, subInvoice.EquipmentAmount

    FROM Equipment


    SELECT InvoiceEquipment.EquipID,

    InvoiceEquipment.Amount AS 'EquipmentAmount',

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY InvoiceEquipment.EquipID ORDER BY InvoiceEquipment.InvoiceDate DESC) AS 'RowNumber'

    FROM InvoiceEquipment

    WHERE Invoice.Type = 'A'

    ) subInvoice ON subInvoice.EquipID = Equipment.EquipID AND subInvoice.RowNumber = 1

    Basically, each equipment can appear on multiple invoices, and the amount for the equipment can vary for each invoice. I want to select the most recent EquipmentAmount for each EquipID.

    The InvoiceEquipment table is quite large, so I'm hoping someone knows of a better solution.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

  • I'd probably change my approach up a little bit.

    SELECT Eq.EquipID, IE.Amount as EquipAmount

    FROM Equipment Eq

    INNER JOIN InvoiceEquipment IE

    ON Eq.EquipID = IE.EquipID

    WHERE IE.Type = 'A'


    SELECT 1

    FROM InvoiceEquipment

    ON IE.EquipID = EquipID

    AND InvoiceDate > IE.InvoiceDate


  • I'd rather use the APPLY operator:

    SELECT Equipment.EquipID, x.EquipmentAmount

    FROM Equipment



    SELECT TOP 1 InvoiceEquipment.Amount AS 'EquipmentAmount'

    FROM InvoiceEquipment

    WHERE InvoiceEquipment.Type = 'A' AND InvoiceEquipment.EquipID = Equipment.EquipID

    ORDER BY InvoiceEquipment.InvoiceDate DESC


    From my point of view the code is easier to read. And for sure it'll perform better since ther's only one row returned and no need to number all rows just to use the first one...

    Edit: An index on the InvoiceEquipment table with EquipID, InvoiceDate and Type together with EquipmentAmount as included column will help, too.

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  • sqlslacker and LutzM,

    Thank you both! I will give these a try.

  • Hi

    Try a cover index

    something in the line of

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX Idx_CoverIndex ON InvoiceEquipment (EquipID,InvoiceDate DESC) inlcude (Amount,Type)

    Kind Regards

    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

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