Is there a way to read execution statistics for stored procedures that have "with recompile"

  • Is there a way to read execution statistics for stored procedures that have "with recompile"

    I've tried the following with no joy

    USE tempdb


    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_testwithoutrecompile


    SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sys.objects


    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_testwithrecompile



    SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sys.objects


    EXEC usp_testwithoutrecompile;

    EXEC usp_testwithrecompile;

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id),* FROM sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats

    WHERE OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = 'usp_testwithoutrecompile';

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id),* FROM sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats

    WHERE OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = 'usp_testwithrecompile';

    DROP PROCEDURE usp_testwithoutrecompile;

    DROP PROCEDURE usp_testwithrecompile;

    or maybe you know a better way for me to work.

    I am using the execution stats [max_elapsed_time] and ([Total_elapsed_time]/[Execution_count]) to compare sp performance between our prod & QA servers.

    Now we have a number of procs that use with recompile and I can not judge the impact of the change.

    (I'm using SQL 2008 R2 Enterprise 64 bit)

    Many thanks in advance


  • Use

    set statistics io on

    set statistics time on

    while running the SP. Also you can see the execution plan of both of the statements to see if there is any difference.

  • You can use Profiler or Extended Events.

    Alex Suprun

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