Concatenating Binary Rows

  • Hi guys, I read this link and I have exactly the same problem:

    But the solution doesn't work for me! I got a type as table:

    CREATE TYPE [dbo].[User_Ven_Att] AS TABLE(

    [userName] [bigint] NULL,

    [idNasVendor] [bigint] NULL,

    [srvAtt] [varbinary](max) NULL


    I fill it but see a different result (I used the solution in the above link):

    DECLARE @TBL AS User_Ven_Att


    SELECT 1000006409, 1, 0x1A0900000009FC03FF UNION ALL

    SELECT 1000006409, 1, 0x1A0900000009FC03FF UNION ALL

    SELECT 1000115634, 1, 0x1A0900000009FC03FF UNION ALL

    SELECT 1000115634, 1, 0x1A0900000009FC03FF

    select A.userName, cast(cast((select cast(srvAtt as varchar(max))

    from @TBL B

    where B.userName = A.userName

    for xml path('')) as varchar) as varbinary) as all_data

    from (select distinct userName from @TBL) as A

    The output is something wrong!



    Why? What should I do?

    Any idea I appreciate in advance.

  • Duplicate thread, answer in this thread


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