Assign next aviliable column values

  • Hi Friends,

    Please find below object and data:

    create table #StuDetails(City varchar(25),StuStatus varchar(25), currentValue int,Week1 int,week2 int,week3 int,week4 int)

    insert into #StuDetails values('A','new',13,10,0,0,12)

    insert into #StuDetails values('B','Old',10,10,41,0,12)

    insert into #StuDetails values('C','Fail',10,9,0,0,5)

    select * from #StuDetails

    Output of above is display as:


    Anew 13 10 0 0 12

    BOld 10 10 41 0 12

    CFail 10 9 0 0 5

    Now for columns Week1 to week3 if value is 0 then i want to display by searching next week value, if it is also 0 then go for next week and if value found there then display instead of zero. so my output would be as below instead of above.


    Anew 13 10 12 12 12

    BOld 10 10 41 12 12

    CFail 10 9 5 5 5

    Please help.



  • Plain CASE will help

    create table #StuDetails(City varchar(25),StuStatus varchar(25), currentValue int,Week1 int,week2 int,week3 int,week4 int)

    insert into #StuDetails values('A','new',13,10,0,0,12)

    insert into #StuDetails values('B','Old',10,10,41,0,12)

    insert into #StuDetails values('C','Fail',10,9,0,0,5)

    SELECT City, StuStatus, currentValue

    ,Week1 = CASE week1 WHEN 0 THEN

    CASE week2 WHEN 0 THEN

    CASE week3 WHEN 0 THEN week4 ELSE week3 END

    ELSE week2 END

    ELSE week1 END

    ,week2 = CASE week2 WHEN 0 THEN

    CASE week3 WHEN 0 THEN week4 ELSE week3 END

    ELSE week2 END

    ,week3 = CASE week3 WHEN 0 THEN week4 ELSE week3 END


    FROM #StuDetails

  • Maybe...




    COALESCE(NULLIF(week1,0), NULLIF(week2,0), NULLIF(week3,0), NULLIF(week4,0)) AS Week1,

    COALESCE(NULLIF(week2,0), NULLIF(week3,0), NULLIF(week4,0)) AS Week2,

    COALESCE(NULLIF(week3,0), NULLIF(week4,0)) AS Week3,


    FROM #StuDetails;

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